Parallel Programming with Python

Netherlands eScience Center

March 19 - 20, 2024

9:30 - 17:00 CET

Instructors: Johan Hidding, Flavio Hafner, Francesco Nattino

Helpers: Sander van Rijn

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General Information

The eScience Center offers a range of free workshops and training courses, open to all researchers affiliated with Dutch research organizations. We organize workshops covering digital skills needed to put reproducible research into practice. These include online collaboration, reproducible code and good programming practices. We also offer more advanced workshops such as GPU Programming, Parallel Programming and Deep Learning.

Python is one of most widely used languages to do scientific data analysis, visualization, and even modelling and simulation. The popularity of Python is mainly due to the two pillars of a friendly syntax together with the availability of many high-quality libraries. The flexibility that Python offers comes with a few downsides though: code typically doesn’t perform as fast as lower-level implementations in C/C++ or Fortran, and it is not trivial to parallelize Python code to work efficiently on many-core architectures. This workshop addresses both these issues, with an emphasis on being able to run Python code efficiently (in parallel) on multiple cores.

We’ll start with learning to recognize problems that are suitable for parallel processing, looking at dependency diagrams and kitchen recipes. From then on, the workshop is highly interactive, diving straight into the first parallel programs. This workshop teaches the principles of parallel programming in Python using Dask, Numba and asyncio. More importantly, we try to give insight in how these different methods perform and when they should be used.


The participant should be:

  • familiar with basic Python: control flow, functions, NumPy
  • comfortable working in Jupyter


  • understand how NumPy and/or Pandas work

Where: Science Park 402, 1098 XH Amsterdam. Get directions with OpenStreetMap or Google Maps.

When: March 19 - 20, 2024, 9:30 - 17:00 CET.

Requirements: Participants must bring a laptop with a Mac, Linux, or Windows operating system (not a tablet, Chromebook, etc.) that they have administrative privileges on. They should have a few specific software packages installed (listed below).

Accessibility: We are committed to making this workshop accessible to everybody. The workshop organizers have checked that:

Materials will be provided in advance of the workshop and large-print handouts are available if needed by notifying the organizers in advance. If we can help making learning easier for you (e.g. sign-language interpreters, lactation facilities) please get in touch (using contact details below) and we will attempt to provide them.

Contact: Please email or for more information.

Code of Conduct

Participants are expected to follow these guidelines:



Day 1

09:30 Welcome and icebreaker
09:45 Introduction
10:30 Break
10:45 Measuring performance
12:00 Coffee break
12:15 Recap and Computing Pi
12:45 Wrap-up
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Computing Pi
15:00 Coffee break
15:15 Using Dask Array
16:00 Tea break
16:15 Using Numba
16:45 Wrap-up
17:00 END

Day 2

09:30 Welcome, icebreaker and recap
09:45 Threads and processes
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Delayed evaluation
12:00 Tea break
12:15 Data flow patterns
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Introduction to coroutines and asyncio
14:45 Coffee break
15:00 Computing fractals in parallel
15:45 Tea break
16:30 Presentations of group work
16:45 Post-workshop Survey
17:00 Drinks


To participate in this workshop, you will need access to software as described below. In addition, you will need an up-to-date web browser.

We maintain a list of common issues that occur during installation as a reference for instructors that may be useful on the Configuration Problems and Solutions wiki page.

Software setup


To follow along with the workshop, you need to prepare an environment. Clone the workshop repository that we prepared:

git clone
cd parallel-python-workshop

You may prepare the environment either in conda or using vanilla Python with poetry.

For most users we recommend that you use conda to install the requirements for the workshop.

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate parallel-python

If the tests pass, you’re all good! Otherwise, please contact us before the workshop.


Only follow these instructions if you’re on Linux or Mac and don’t have conda installed. Make sure that you have Python 3.9 installed.

If you’ve never used poetry before, check it out!

pip install --user poetry
poetry install
poetry run pytest