
Episode 1: Introducing NLP

Episode 2: PreprocessingPreprocessing

Episode 3: Word embeddingsWhat are word embeddings?Word2vec model(Optional) Training a word2vec model on our dataset

Figure 1

Embedding of a cat - We measured its furriness and found out it’s 70!

Figure 2

Embedding of a cat - We have described it along two dimensions: furriness and number of legs

Figure 3

Embeddings of a cat and a dog

Figure 4

Embeddings of a cat and a dog and a caterpillar

Figure 5

Figure 6

Embeddings of a cat and a dog and a caterpillar - We can describe these animals in many dimensions!

Figure 7

Schematic representations of the different prediction tasks that CBOW and Skip-gram try to solve

Figure 8

Embedding of king - word2vec model

Figure 9

Embedding of king vs queen - word2vec model

Figure 10

Exercise solution - word2vec model

Figure 11

Analogy of King - Man + woman ~= Queen
Analogy of King - Man + woman ~= Queen

Figure 12

2D visualisation of animal and vehicle word embeddings