EAR documentation for use on Snellius here: https://servicedesk.surf.nl/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=62226671
EAR full documentation can be found here https://gitlab.bsc.es/ear_team/ear/-/wikis/home
The Energy Aware Runtime (EAR) package provides an energy management framework for super computers. This tutorial covers the "end-user" experience with EAR.
EAR usage on Snellius can be decomposed into two "services."
The node daemon is the component in charge of providing any kind of services that requires privileged capabilities. Current version is conceived as an external process executed with root privileges. The EARD provides the following services, each one covered by one thread:
Provides privileged metrics to EARL such as the average frequency, uncore integrated memory controller counters to compute the memory bandwidth, as well as energy metrics (DC node, DRAM and package energy). Implements a periodic power monitoring service. This service allows EAR package to control the total energy consumed in the system. Offers a remote API used by EARplug, EARGM and EAR commands. This API accepts requests such as get the system status, change policy settings or notify new job/end job events.