
Workfloor action

While this workshop is a lot about optimizing the use of computers for sustainability, there is much more to sustainability than that. Global warming is not only a technical problem, it is also one of habits and consumption.

  1. Think about your day to day work environment and think how you can make your workplace more environmentally sustainable. Think out of the box.
  2. Write down some action points
  3. Discuss with your neighbour and steal any points that you think are relevant to your workplace.
  4. Pick one item from the list, which might be feasible to achieve next week.
  5. Commit to it!
Some suggestions:
  • Policies at work regarding environmental sustainability, are there any and if so, are they good enough?
  • Go to work by bike/public transport instead of by car
  • Rethink your presence at scientific conferences, if you need to go, can you travel by train instead of airplane?
  • What bank/energe provider/insurrance company does your organization use? Can you make them switch to a more sustainable option?
  • How is catering arranged? Are there enough plant based options? Some organizations decide to only serve plant based food, is this an option?

PS. You can do the same for your personal home environment!