
The Research Software Support Masterclass is the live workshop version of these online materials. If you are interested in following or even hosting such a masterclass, have a look at the training page or contact the training team at the Netherlands eScience Center.


Research Software

  1. Find a piece of research software that you like (because of the topic or nice picture, or whetever other reason) from the Research Software Directory.
  2. Do the exercise about the research life cycle from the Research Software module, use the piece of software you chose.

Software in the Research landscape

  1. From all the different initiatives, concepts and organizations discussed in the Software Landscape module or the Yellow Pages, pick three that your chosen piece of software could/should connect to and/or use.
  2. Explain why you chose these three and what makes them valuable for the chosen piece of software.

Software Management Plan

  1. Create a software management plan template which fits your piece of software by using step 2 and 3 from the Template Building exercise in the software management plan module.
  2. Fill out your own software management plan template. Keep it short and to the point.