Content from Welcome

Last updated on 2024-05-06 | Edit this page



  • Who is this lesson for?
  • What will be covered in this lesson?


  • Identify the target audience
  • Identify the learning goals of the lesson


This is a hands-on introduction to Natural Language Processing (or NLP). NLP refers to a set of techniques involving the application of statistical methods, with or without insights from linguistics, to understand natural (i.e, human) language for the sake of solving real-world tasks.

This course is designed to equip researchers in the humanities and social sciences with the foundational skills needed to carry over text-based research projects.

What will we be covering in this lesson?

This lesson provides a high-level introduction to NLP with particular emphasis on applications in the humanities and the social sciences. We will focus on solving a particular problem over the lesson, that is how to identify key entities in text (such as people, places, companies, dates and more) and labeling each one of them with the right category name. Towards the end of the lesson, we will cover also other types of applications (such as topic modelling, and text generation).

After following this lesson, learners will be able to:

  • Explain and differentiate what are the core topics in NLP
  • Identify what kinds of tasks NLP techniques excel at, and what are their limitations
  • Structure a typical NLP pipeline
  • Extract vector representations of individual words, visualise and manipulate it
  • Applying a machine learning algorithm to textual data to extract and categorise names of entities (, places, people)
  • Apply popular tools and libraries used to solve other tasks in NLP (such as topic modelling, and text generation)

Software packages required

The lesson is coded entirely in Python. We are going to use Jupyter notebooks throughout the lesson and the following packages:

  • spacy
  • gensim
  • transformers


In this lesson, we’ll use N books from the Project Gutenberg. We will use their Plain Text UTF-8 version.

Key Points

  • This lesson on Natural language processing in Python is for researchers working in the field of Humanities and/or Social Sciences
  • This lesson is an introduction to NLP and aims at implementing first practical NLP applications from scratch

Content from Episode 1: Introducing NLP

Last updated on 2024-05-06 | Edit this page



  • What is natural language processing (NLP)?
  • Why is it important to learn about NLP?
  • What are some classic tasks associated with NLP?


  • Recognise the importance and benefits of learning about NLP
  • Identify and describe classic tasks and challenges in NLP
  • Explore practical applications of natural language processing in industry and research

Introducing NLP

What is NLP?

Natural language processing (NLP) is an area of research and application that focuses on making natural (i.e., human) language accessible to computers so that they can be used to perform useful tasks (Chowdhury & Chowdhury, 2023). Research in NLP is highly interdisciplinary, drawing on concepts from computer science, linguistics, logic, mathematics, psychology, etc. In the past decade, NLP has evolved significantly with advances in technology to the point that it has become embedded in our daily lives: automatic language translation or chatGPT are only some examples.

Why do we care?

The past decade’s breakthroughs have resulted in NLP being increasingly used in a range of diverse domains such as retail (e.g., customer service chatbots), healthcare (e.g., AI-assisted hearing devices), finance (e.g., anomaly detection in monetary transactions), law (e.g., legal research), and many more. These applications are possible because NLP researchers developed tools and techniques to make computers understand and manipulate language effectively.

With so many contributions and such impressive advances of recent years, it is an exciting time to start bringing NLP techniques in your own work. Thanks to dedicated python libraries, these tools are now more accessible. They offer modularity, allowing you to integrate them easily in your code, and scalability, i.e., capable of processing vast amounts of text efficiently. Even those without advanced programming skills can leverage these tools to address problems in social sciences, humanities, or any field where language plays a crucial role.

In a nutshell, NLP opens up possibilities, making sophisticated techniques accessible to a broad audience.

NLP in the real world

Name three to five products that you use on a daily basis and that rely on NLP techniques. To solve this exercise you can get some help from the web.

These are some of the most popular NLP-based products that we use on a daily basis:

  • Voice-based assistants (e.g., Alexa, Siri, Cortana)
  • Machine translation (e.g., Google translate, Amazon translate)
  • Search engines (e.g., Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo)
  • Keyboard autocompletion on smartphones
  • Spam filtering
  • Spell and grammar checking apps

What is NLP typically good at?

Here’s a collection of fundamental tasks in NLP:

  • Text classification
  • Information extraction
  • NER (named entity recognition)
  • Next word prediction
  • Text summarization
  • Question answering
  • Topic modeling
  • Machine translation
  • Conversational agent

In this lesson we are going to see the NER and topic modeling tasks in detail, and learn how to develop solutions that work for these particular use cases. Specifically, our goal in this lesson will be to identify characters and locations in novels, and determine what are the most relevant topics in these books. However, it is useful to have an understanding of the other tasks and its challenges.

Text classification

The goal of text classification is to assign a label category to a text or a document based on its content. This task is for example used in spam filtering - is this email spam or not - and sentiment analysis; is this text positive or negative.

Information extraction

With this term we refer to a collection of techniques for extracting relevant information from the text or a document and finding relationships between those. This task is useful to discover cause-effects links and populate databases. For instance, finding and classifying relations among entities mentioned in a text (e.g., X is the child of Y) or geospatial relations (e.g., Amsterdam is north of Bruxelles)

Named Entity Recognition (NER)

The task of detecting names, dates, language names, events, work of arts, countries, organisations, and many more.

Next word prediction

This task involves predicting what the next word in a sentence will be based on the history of previous words. Speech recognition, spelling correction, handwriting recognition all run an implementation of this task.

Text summarization

Create short summaries of longer documents while retaining the core content.

Question answering

Task of building a system that answer questions posed in natural (i.e., human) language. For example, many websites nowadays offer customer service in the form of a chatbot.

Topic modeling

Task of discovering topical structure in documents. Topics describe the content of a document, for instance, the output of a topic model run on a document narrating the events of the WWII might result in topics covering: the war, troops, geographical locations, weapons, etc.

Machine translation

The task of translating a piece of text from one language to another.

Content from Episode 2: Preprocessing

Last updated on 2024-07-09 | Edit this page



  • What different types of preprocessing steps are there?
  • Why we need preprocessing?
  • What are the consequences of applying data preprocessing on our text?


After following this lesson, learners will be able to:

  • Explain what preprocessing means.
  • Perform lowercasing, handling new lines, tokenization, stop words removal, part-of-speech tagging, stemmatization/lemmatization.
  • Apply and use a spacy pretrained model.


NLP models work by learning the statistical regularities within the constituent parts of the language (i.e, letters, digits, words and sentences) in a text. Before applying these models, the input text must often be modified to make it into a format that is better interpretable by the model. This operation is known as data preprocessing and its goal is to make the text ready to be processed by the model. Applying these preprocessing steps will give better results in the end.

Examples of preprocessing steps are:

  • tokenization: this means splitting up the text into individual tokens. You can for example create sentence tokens or words tokens, or any others.
  • lowercasing
  • stop words removal, where you remove common words such as the or a that you would note need in some further analysis steps.
  • lemmatization: with this step you obtain the lemma of each word. You would get the form in which you find the word in the dictionary, such as the singular version of a plural of a noun, or the first person present tense of a verb instead of the past principle. You are making sure that you do not get different versions of the same word: you would convert words into word and talking into talk
  • part of speech tagging: This means that you identify what type of word each is; such as nouns and verbs.

The above examples of techniques of data preprocessing modify the input text to make it interpretable and analyzable by the NLP model of our choice. Here we will go through all these steps to be aware of which steps can be performed and what are their consequences. However, It is important to realize that you do not always need to do all the preprocessing steps, and which ones you should do depends on what you want to do. For example, if you want to extract entities from the text using named entity recognition, you explicitly do not want to lowercase the text, as captials are one component in the odentification. Another important thing is that NLP tasks and the preprocessing steps can be very diffent for different languages. This is even more so if you are comparing steps for alphabetical languages such as English to those for non-alphabetical languages such as Chinese.

Loading the corpus

In order to start the preprocessing we first load in the data. For that we need a number of python packages.


# import packages
import spacy
import io
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

We can then open the text file that contains the text and save it in a variable called corpus_full.


# Load the book The case-book of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
path = "../pg69700.txt"
f =, mode="r", encoding="utf-8-sig")
corpus_full =

Let’s check out the start of the corpus


# Print the text

This shows that the corpus contains a lot of text before the actual first story starts. Let’s therefore select the part of the corpus_full that contains the first story. We determined beforehand which part of the string corpus_full catches the first story, and we can save it in the parameter corpus:


# Select the first story
corpus = corpus_full[5048:200000]

Let’s again have a look at what the text looks like:



The print statement automatically formats the text. We can also have a look at what the unformatted text looks like:



This shows that there are things in there such as \n which defines new lines. This is one of the things we want to eliminate from the text in the preprocessing steps so that we have a more analyzable text to work with.


We will now start by splitting the text up into individual sentences and words. This process is referred to as tokenizing; instead of having one long text we will create individual tokens.

Tokens can be defined in different ways: here we will first split text up into sentence tokens, so that each token represents one sentence in the text. Then we will extract the word tokens, where each token is one word.

Individual sentences and words

Sentences are separated by points, and words are separated by spaces, we can use this information to split the text. However, we saw that when we printed the corpus, that the text is not so ‘clean’. If we were to split the text now using points, there would be a lot of redundant symbols that we do not want to include in the individual sentences and words, such as the \n symbols, but also we do not want to include punctuation symbols in our sentences and words. So let’s remove these from the text before splitting it up based on.


The text can be split into sentences based on points. From the corpus as we have it, we do not want to include the end of line symbols, backslashes before apostrophes, and any double spaces that might occur from new lines or new pages.

We will define corpus_sentences to do all preprocessing steps we need to split the text into individual sentences. First we replace the end of lines and backslashes:


# Replace newlines with spaces:
corpus_sentences = corpus.replace("\n", " ")

# Replace backslashes
corpus_sentences = corpus_sentences.replace("\"", "")

Then we can replace the double spaces with single spaces. However, there might be multiple double spaces in the text after one another. To catch these, we can repeat the action of replacing double spaces a couple of times, using a loop:


# Replace double spaces with single spaces
for i in range(10):
      corpus_sentences = corpus_sentences.replace("  ", " ")
      i = i + 1


# Check that there a no more double spaces
"  " in corpus_sentences

Indeed there a no more double spaces.

Now we are ready to split the text into sentences based on points:


sentences = corpus_sentences.split(". ")

What this does it that the corpus_sentences is split up every time a .is found, and the results are stored in a python list.

If we print the first 20 items in the resulting list, we can see that indeed the data is split up into sentences, but there are some mistakes, where for example a new sentence is defined because the word ‘mister’ was abbreviated which also resulted in a new sentence definition. This shows that these kind of steps will never be fully perfect, but it good enough to proceed.




We can now procede from corpus_sentences to split the corpus into individual words based on spaces. To get ‘clean words’ we need to replace some more punctuation marks, so that these are not included in the list of words.

Let’s first define the punctuation marks we want to remove:


# Punctuation symbols
punctuation = (".", ",", ":", ";", "(", ")", "!", "?", "\"")

Then we go over all these punctuation symbols one by one using a loop to replace them:


# Loop over the punctuation symbols to remove them
corpus_words = corpus_sentences

for punct in punctuation:
      corpus_words = corpus_words.replace(punct, "")

# Again replace double spaces with single spaces
for i in range(10):
      corpus_words = corpus_words.replace("  ", " ")
      i = i + 1

Next, we should lowercase all text so that we don’t get a word in two forms in the list, once with capital, once without, and have a consistent list of words:


# Lowercase the text
corpus_words = corpus_words.lower()

Now we can split the text into individual words based by splitting them up on every space:


words = corpus_words.split(" ")

Using a spacy pipeline to analyse texts

Before the break we did a number of preprocessing steps to get the sentence tokens and word tokens. We took the following steps:

  • We loaded the corpus into one long string and selected the part of the string that we wanted to analyse, which is the first story
  • We replaced new lines with spaces and removed all double spaces.
  • We split the string into sentences based on points To continue getting the individual words:
  • we removed punctuation marks
  • removed double spaces
  • we lowercased the text
  • We split the text into a list of words based on spaces.
  • We selected all individual words by converting the list into a set.

We did all these steps by hand, to get an understanding of what is needed to create the tokens. However these steps can also be done with a Python package, where these things happen behind the scenes. We will now start using this package to look at the results of the preprocessing steps of stop word removal, stemming and part-of-speech tagging.

Spacy NLP pipeline

There are multiple python packages that can be used to for NLP, such as Spacy, NLTK, Gensim and PyTorch. Here we will be using the Spacy package.

Let’s first load a few packages that we will be using:


import spacy
from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS, ImageColorGenerator

The pipeline that we are going to

The pipeline that we are going to use is called en_core_web_md. This a pipeline from Spacy that is pretrained to do a number of NLP tasks for English texts. We first have to download this model model from the Spacy library:


!python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

It is important to realize that in many cases you can use a pretrained model such as this one. You then do not have to do any training of your data. This is very nice, because training a model requires a whole lot of data, that would have to be analyzed by hand before you can start. It also requires a lot of specific understanding of NLP and a lot of time, and often it is simply not neccesary. These available models are trained on a lot of data, and have very good accuracy.

Free available pretrained models can be found on Hugging Face, along with instructions on how to use them. This website contains a lot of models trained for specific tasks and use cases. It also contains data sets that can be used to train new models.

Let’s load the model:


nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_md')

We can check out which components are available in this pipeline:


# loaded components
print("components:", nlp.component_names)

Let’s now apply this pipeline on our data. Remember that we as a first step before the break we loaded the data in the variable called corpus. We now give this as an argument to the pipeline; this will apply the model to our specific data; such that we have all components of the pipeline available on our specific corpus:


# apply model to our corpus
doc = nlp(corpus)

On of the things that the pipeline does, is tokenization as we did in the first part. We can now check out the sentence tokens like this:


# Get sentences
for sentence in doc.sents:

and the word tokens like this:


# Get word tokens
for token in doc[0:6]:

Stop word removal

If we want to get an idea of what the text is about we can visualize the word tokens in a word cloud to see which words are most common. To do this we can define a function:


from wordcloud import WordCloud

# Define function that returns a word cloud
def plot_wordcloud(sw = (""), doc = doc):
      wc = WordCloud(stopwords=sw).generate(str(doc))
      plt.imshow(wc, interpolation='bilinear')



From this we get no idea what the text is about because the most common words are word such as ‘the’, ‘a’, and ‘I’, which are referred to as stopwords. We could therefore want to remove these stopwords. The spacy package has a list of stopwords available. Let’s have a look at these:


# Stop word removal
stopwords = nlp.Defaults.stop_words


The pipeline has 326 stopwords, and if we have a look at them you could indeed say that these words do not add much if we want to get an idea of what the text is about. So let’s create the word cloud again, but without the stopwords:


plot_wordcloud(sw= stopwords, doc = doc)

This shows that Holmes is the most common word in the text, as one might expect. There are also words in this word cloud that would also consider as stop words in this case, such as said and know. If you would want to remove these as well you can add them to the list of stopwords that we used.


Let’s now have a look at the lemmatization. From the wordcloud, we can see that one of the most common words in the text is the word said. This is past tense of the word say. If we want all the words referring to the word say we should look at the lemmatized text. We saw in the pipeline that this is also one of the components of the pipeline, so we already have all the lemmas available. We can check them out using:


# Lemmas
for token in doc:
      print(token.text, token.lemma_)

Here we can for example see that even the n't is recognized as not.

Part-of-speech tagging

The last thing we want to look at right now is part-of-speech tagging. The loaded model can tell for each word token what type of word it is grammatically. We can access these as follows:


# Part-of-speech tags
for token in doc:
    print(token.text, token.pos_)

It recognizes determiners, nouns, adpositions, and more. But we can also see that it is not perfect and mistakes are made. That is something important to remember; any model, pretrained or if you train it yourself: there are always mistakes in it.


We have gone through various data preprocessing techniques in this episode. Now that you know how to apply them all, let’s see how they affect each other.

  • Above we removed the stopwords from the text before lemmatization. What happens if you use the lemmatized text? Create a word cloud of your results.
  • The word clouds that we created can give an idea on what the text is about. However, there are still some terms in the word cloud that are not so useful to do this aim. Which further words would you remove? Add them to the stop words to improve your word cloud so that it better represents to subject of the text.
  • Lemmatized word cloud

The doc can be created to consist only of lemma’s as follows:


lemmas = ' '.join([token.lemma_ for token in doc])

Create the word cloud using the lemmatized text and the stopwords we defined earlier.


plot_wordcloud(doc=lemmas, sw=stopwords)
  • Additional stop words

Add some more words to the stopwords set:


add_stopwords = ['ask', 'tell', 'like', 'want', 'case', 'come']
new_stopwords = stopwords.update(set(add_stopwords))

Create the word cloud:


plot_wordcloud(doc=lemmas, sw=new_stopwords)

Key Points

  • Preprocessing involves a number of steps that one can apply to their text to prepare it for further processing.
  • Preprocessing is important because it can improve your results
  • You do not always need to do all preprocessing steps. It depends on the task at hand which preprocessing steps are important.
  • A number of preprocessing steps are: lowercasing, tokenization, stop word removal, lemmatization, part-of-speech tagging.
  • Often you can use a pretrained model to process and analyse your data.

Content from Episode 3: Word embeddings

Last updated on 2024-07-25 | Edit this page



  • What are word embeddings?
  • What properties word embeddings have?
  • What is a word2vec model?
  • Can we inspect word embeddings?
  • (Optional) How do we train a word2vec model?


After following this lesson, learners will be able to:

  • Explain what word embeddings are
  • Get familiar with using vectors to represent things
  • Compute the cosine similarity to get the most similar words
  • Use Word2vec to return word embeddings
  • Extract word embeddings from a pre-trained Word2vec
  • Explore properties of word embeddings
  • Visualise word embeddings
  • Solve analogies
  • (Optional) Train your own word2vec model

What are word embeddings?

You shall know a word by the company it keeps - J. R. Firth, 1957

In this episode, we’ll go over the concept of embedding, and the steps to generate and explore word embeddings with Word2vec.

We know that computers understand the language of numbers, so in order to let the computer process natural language, we must encode words in a sentence to numbers (i.e., vectors). Ideally, you can “transform” text in numbers in many ways. For instance, take the sentence the cat sat on the mat.

We could transform this sentence into a matrix in Python. The matrix will have the number of columns equals to the length of unique words in the corpus (i.e., 5 in our case) and number of words we are encoding (i.e., 6 in this example).


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

sentence = ["the", "cat", "sat", "on", "the","mat"]

words = ["cat", "mat", "on", "sat", "the"]

data = np.array([
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
    [1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
    [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
    [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

table = ax.table(cellText=data, rowLabels=sentence, colLabels=words, cellLoc='center', loc='center')
plt.title('the cat sat on the mat')

and count how many times we encounter a word by putting 1s (present) and 0s (absent). This approach is described as one-hot encoding:

cat mat on sat the
the 0 0 0 0 1
cat 1 0 0 0 0
sat 0 0 0 1 0
on 0 0 1 0 0
the 0 0 0 0 1
mat 0 1 0 0 0

To encode the word cat into a vector, you may concatenate each value in the vector cat = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]. This would give us a unique fingerprint describing the word cat, and differentiating it from the other ones in the sentence. The downside of this approach is that you get a vector that is very sparse, i.e., it will contain a lot of 0s and only very few 1s. For very long documents (imagine billion of words) this approach becomes inefficient very quickly. In addition, we don’t get any information about the syntactic and semantic relationship of the words.

Another strategy, is to map each word to a number. This approach is referred to as ordinal encoding:

cat mat on sat the
0 1 2 3 4

So that the sentence can be mapped as:


sentence = [4, 0, 3, 2, 4, 1]

This approach is much more efficient as it links each word to one numeric identifier. However, the choice for this identifier is quite arbitrary – what does it mean that cat is 0? Does it change anything if it is encoded as 2? Moreover, there is no way to represent the relationship among words, e.g., how cat/0 relates to mat/1 ? So with this approach we gain in efficiency, but still we don’t solve the problem of encoding semantic and syntactic information present in the text.

Word embeddings

A Word Embedding is a word representation type that maps words in a numerical manner (i.e., into vectors), however, differently from the approaches above, it organises information into an efficient, i.e., dense, representation in which semantic and syntactic features in the text are preserved. In this representation, words are described in a multidimensional space whereby similar words have a similar encoding. This allows us to describe them fully, and make comparisons among words.

Since word embeddings are essentially vectors, let’s see an example to get familiar with the idea of representing things into vectors. We use again the word cat and we try to describe this animal based on its characteristics. For instance, its furriness. Let’s say that we measured the cat’s furriness (in some magical way) and we found out that a cat has a score of 70 in furriness.

Embedding of a cat - We measured its furriness and found out it’s 70!

Do you think we have described sufficiently this animal? Perhaps we can add another characteristic: Number of legs.

Embedding of a cat - We have described it along two dimensions: furriness and number of legs

We have now at least two characteristics that describe this animal. This is certainly not enough to describe this animal in full, however this approximation becomes helpful when we have to compare other animals, such as a dog.

Embeddings of a cat and a dog

And what about a caterpillar?

Embeddings of a cat and a dog and a caterpillar

Which of these two animals (dog vs caterpillar) is more similar to a cat? We can compute the similarity among those vectors with the function cosine_similarity() in Python, from the sklearn library.


cosine similarity ranges between [-1 and 1]. It is the cosine of the angle between two vectors, divided by the product of their length. It is a useful metric to measure how similar two vectors are likely to be.


from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity

cat = np.asarray([[70, 4]])
dog = np.asarray([[56, 4]])
caterpillar = np.asarray([[70, 100]])

cosine_similarity(cat, dog)

cosine_similarity(cat, caterpillar)




  • Cosine similarity between cat and dog: 0.9998988
  • Cosine similarity between cat and caterpillar: 0.61926538

So the similarity between a cat and a dog is higher than a cat and a caterpillar. Therefore, based on these two traits, we can conclude that a cat is much more similar to a dog than a caterpillar.

We can of course add other dimensions to describe these animals:

Embeddings of a cat and a dog and a caterpillar - We can describe these animals in many dimensions!


  • Add one of two other dimensions. What characteristics could they map?
  • Add another animal and map their dimensions
  • Compute again the cosine similarity among those animals and find the couple that is the least similar and the most similar
  1. Add one of two other dimensions

We could add the dimension of “velocity” or “speed” that goes from 0 to 100 meters/second.

  • Caterpillar: 0.001 m/s
  • Cat: 1.5 m/s
  • Dog: 2.5 m/s

(just as an example, actual speeds may vary)


cat = np.asarray([[70, 4, 1.5]])
dog = np.asarray([[56, 4, 2.5]])
caterpillar = np.asarray([[70, 100, .001]])

Another dimension could be weight in Kg:

  • Caterpillar: .05 Kg
  • Cat: 4 Kg
  • Dog: 15 Kg

(just as an example, actual weight may vary)


cat = np.asarray([[70, 4, 1.5, 4]])
dog = np.asarray([[56, 4, 2.5, 15]])
caterpillar = np.asarray([[70, 100, .001, .05]])

Then the cosine similarity would be:


cosine_similarity(cat, caterpillar)

cosine_similarity(cat, dog)



  1. Add another animal and map their dimensions

Another animal that we could add is the Tarantula!


cat = np.asarray([[70, 4, 1.5, 4]])
dog = np.asarray([[56, 4, 2.5, 15]])
caterpillar = np.asarray([[70, 100, .001, .05]])
tarantula = np.asarray([[80, 6, .1, .3]])
  1. Compute again the cosine similarity among those animals - find out the most and least similar couple

Given the values above, the least similar couple is the dog and the caterpillar, whose cosine similarity is array([[0.60855407]]).

The most similar couple is the cat and the tarantula: array([[0.99822302]])

Once we add multiple dimensions the animals’ description become more complex, but also richer, therefore our comparisons become much more precise.

The downside of this approach is that once we get more than 3 dimensions it becomes very difficult to represent the relationships among words with little arrows. However, the cosine_similarity() will always work, regardless of the number of dimensions.

This example showed us an intuitive way of representing things into vectors. An embedding is after all a way to translate words into vectors. However, this is the extent to which this example tells us something about what word embeddings are. The reason for this is that the way embeddings are constructed is of course not that straight-forward. We’ll see how these are built in the next section, whereby we introduce the word2vec model.


In this example we have made our own translation of the word cat, dog and caterpillar into vectors, with dimensions that we chose arbitrarily. Those dimensions were chosen because they were easy to measure and to see with our own eyes. However, when we deal with word embeddings trained on a corpus, it’s not clear how words relate their vector structure. That is, it’s difficult to know what the dimensions stand for. These can be many (the number must be limited by us) and it’s unknown what they map to in the text.

Key Points

  • We can represent text as vectors of numbers (which makes it interpretable for machines)
  • The most efficient and useful way is to use word embeddings
  • We can easily compute how words are similar to each other with the cosine similarity
  • Dimensions in corpus-based word embeddings are many and not transparent

Word2vec model

Word2Vec is a two-layer neural network that processes raw text and returns us the respective word-vectors (i.e., word embeddings). Published in 2013 by Tomas Mikolov et al., it has been one of the most influential deep-learning techniques in NLP.

To produce word embeddings, the training task of the word2vec consists of predicting words. The authors propose two possible ways (and therefore architectures) to solve this task:

  • The continuous bag-of-words (CBOW) model: In this architecture, the task consists in predicting the correct target word, given a certain context (words coming before and after the target word).

  • The continuous skip-gram model: In this architecture, the task consists in predicting the correct context words, given a target word.

Schematic representations of the different prediction tasks that CBOW and Skip-gram try to solve

In general, CBOW is faster to train, but the Skip-gram is more accurate thanks to its ability to learn infrequent words. In both architectures, increasing the context size (i.e., number of context words) leads to better embeddings but also increases the training time.

Regardless of the architecture, however, words that appear in the same context will end up having very similar vectors. Let’s now look at the created embeddings.

we have two choices: Train a word2vec model on our own or use a pre-trained one.

Word embeddings become better and better at representing the words (i.e., a word vector becomes more specific) within the text with the size of the training material. Think of all the books, articles, Wikipedia content, and other forms of text data we have lying around. These massive amount of text can be used to train a word2vec model and extract the relative embeddings, which will be particularly informative due to the size of the training input. If we were to train a word2vec model on this amount of data, we would first need the raw text, a powerful machine to process it, and some spare time to wait for the model to complete training. However, luckily for us someone else has done this training already, and we can load the output of this training (i.e., their pretrained word2vec model) on our local machine.

In this section we are going to look at a pre-trained word2vec model (that is, pre-computed word embeddings) and at some of their properties. Towards the end of the section we’re going to compare this model with a word2vec model that we trained on our own on a small subset of the Gutenberg books we introduced in the previous episode.

We use the trained word2vec model named word2vec-google-news-300 from the gensim library. This model is trained on a part of the Google News dataset (about 100 billion words). The model contains 300-dimensional vectors for 3 million words and phrases.

We can download this model locally with this code:


import gensim.downloader
google_vectors = gensim.downloader.load('word2vec-google-news-300')


Note that gensim includes various models for word representations, not just Word2Vec. These include FastText, Glove, ConceptNet, etc. These methods capture different aspects of word and subword information.

You can see how many (and which) pretrained model the gensim library contains with the following code snippet:





['fasttext-wiki-news-subwords-300', 'conceptnet-numberbatch-17-06-300', 'word2vec-ruscorpora-300', 'word2vec-google-news-300', 'glove-wiki-gigaword-50', 'glove-wiki-gigaword-100', 'glove-wiki-gigaword-200', 'glove-wiki-gigaword-300', 'glove-twitter-25', 'glove-twitter-50', 'glove-twitter-100', 'glove-twitter-200', '__testing_word2vec-matrix-synopsis']

In the context of this episode we focus on Word2Vec only, as this is the most famous.

Next, we can look at the embedding of the word king:





[ 1.25976562e-01  2.97851562e-02  8.60595703e-03  1.39648438e-01
 -2.56347656e-02 -3.61328125e-02  1.11816406e-01 -1.98242188e-01
  5.12695312e-02  3.63281250e-01 -2.42187500e-01 -3.02734375e-01
 -1.77734375e-01 -2.49023438e-02 -1.67968750e-01 -1.69921875e-01
  3.46679688e-02  5.21850586e-03  4.63867188e-02  1.28906250e-01
  1.36718750e-01  1.12792969e-01  5.95703125e-02  1.36718750e-01
  1.01074219e-01 -1.76757812e-01 -2.51953125e-01  5.98144531e-02
  3.41796875e-01 -3.11279297e-02  1.04492188e-01  6.17675781e-02
  1.24511719e-01  4.00390625e-01 -3.22265625e-01  8.39843750e-02
  3.90625000e-02  5.85937500e-03  7.03125000e-02  1.72851562e-01
  1.38671875e-01 -2.31445312e-01  2.83203125e-01  1.42578125e-01
  3.41796875e-01 -2.39257812e-02 -1.09863281e-01  3.32031250e-02
 -5.46875000e-02  1.53198242e-02 -1.62109375e-01  1.58203125e-01
 -2.59765625e-01  2.01416016e-02 -1.63085938e-01  1.35803223e-03
 -1.44531250e-01 -5.68847656e-02  4.29687500e-02 -2.46582031e-02
  1.85546875e-01  4.47265625e-01  9.58251953e-03  1.31835938e-01
  9.86328125e-02 -1.85546875e-01 -1.00097656e-01 -1.33789062e-01
 -1.25000000e-01  2.83203125e-01  1.23046875e-01  5.32226562e-02
 -1.77734375e-01  8.59375000e-02 -2.18505859e-02  2.05078125e-02
 -1.39648438e-01  2.51464844e-02  1.38671875e-01 -1.05468750e-01
  1.38671875e-01  8.88671875e-02 -7.51953125e-02 -2.13623047e-02
  1.72851562e-01  4.63867188e-02 -2.65625000e-01  8.91113281e-03
  1.49414062e-01  3.78417969e-02  2.38281250e-01 -1.24511719e-01
 -2.17773438e-01 -1.81640625e-01  2.97851562e-02  5.71289062e-02
 -2.89306641e-02  1.24511719e-02  9.66796875e-02 -2.31445312e-01
  5.81054688e-02  6.68945312e-02  7.08007812e-02 -3.08593750e-01
 -2.14843750e-01  1.45507812e-01 -4.27734375e-01 -9.39941406e-03
  1.54296875e-01 -7.66601562e-02  2.89062500e-01  2.77343750e-01
 -4.86373901e-04 -1.36718750e-01  3.24218750e-01 -2.46093750e-01
 -3.03649902e-03 -2.11914062e-01  1.25000000e-01  2.69531250e-01
  2.04101562e-01  8.25195312e-02 -2.01171875e-01 -1.60156250e-01
 -3.78417969e-02 -1.20117188e-01  1.15234375e-01 -4.10156250e-02
 -3.95507812e-02 -8.98437500e-02  6.34765625e-03  2.03125000e-01
  1.86523438e-01  2.73437500e-01  6.29882812e-02  1.41601562e-01
 -9.81445312e-02  1.38671875e-01  1.82617188e-01  1.73828125e-01
  1.73828125e-01 -2.37304688e-01  1.78710938e-01  6.34765625e-02
  2.36328125e-01 -2.08984375e-01  8.74023438e-02 -1.66015625e-01
 -7.91015625e-02  2.43164062e-01 -8.88671875e-02  1.26953125e-01
 -2.16796875e-01 -1.73828125e-01 -3.59375000e-01 -8.25195312e-02
 -6.49414062e-02  5.07812500e-02  1.35742188e-01 -7.47070312e-02
 -1.64062500e-01  1.15356445e-02  4.45312500e-01 -2.15820312e-01
 -1.11328125e-01 -1.92382812e-01  1.70898438e-01 -1.25000000e-01
  2.65502930e-03  1.92382812e-01 -1.74804688e-01  1.39648438e-01
  2.92968750e-01  1.13281250e-01  5.95703125e-02 -6.39648438e-02
  9.96093750e-02 -2.72216797e-02  1.96533203e-02  4.27246094e-02
 -2.46093750e-01  6.39648438e-02 -2.25585938e-01 -1.68945312e-01
  2.89916992e-03  8.20312500e-02  3.41796875e-01  4.32128906e-02
  1.32812500e-01  1.42578125e-01  7.61718750e-02  5.98144531e-02
 -1.19140625e-01  2.74658203e-03 -6.29882812e-02 -2.72216797e-02
 -4.82177734e-03 -8.20312500e-02 -2.49023438e-02 -4.00390625e-01
 -1.06933594e-01  4.24804688e-02  7.76367188e-02 -1.16699219e-01
  7.37304688e-02 -9.22851562e-02  1.07910156e-01  1.58203125e-01
  4.24804688e-02  1.26953125e-01  3.61328125e-02  2.67578125e-01
 -1.01074219e-01 -3.02734375e-01 -5.76171875e-02  5.05371094e-02
  5.26428223e-04 -2.07031250e-01 -1.38671875e-01 -8.97216797e-03
 -2.78320312e-02 -1.41601562e-01  2.07031250e-01 -1.58203125e-01
  1.27929688e-01  1.49414062e-01 -2.24609375e-02 -8.44726562e-02
  1.22558594e-01  2.15820312e-01 -2.13867188e-01 -3.12500000e-01
 -3.73046875e-01  4.08935547e-03  1.07421875e-01  1.06933594e-01
  7.32421875e-02  8.97216797e-03 -3.88183594e-02 -1.29882812e-01
  1.49414062e-01 -2.14843750e-01 -1.83868408e-03  9.91210938e-02
  1.57226562e-01 -1.14257812e-01 -2.05078125e-01  9.91210938e-02
  3.69140625e-01 -1.97265625e-01  3.54003906e-02  1.09375000e-01
  1.31835938e-01  1.66992188e-01  2.35351562e-01  1.04980469e-01
 -4.96093750e-01 -1.64062500e-01 -1.56250000e-01 -5.22460938e-02
  1.03027344e-01  2.43164062e-01 -1.88476562e-01  5.07812500e-02
 -9.37500000e-02 -6.68945312e-02  2.27050781e-02  7.61718750e-02
  2.89062500e-01  3.10546875e-01 -5.37109375e-02  2.28515625e-01
  2.51464844e-02  6.78710938e-02 -1.21093750e-01 -2.15820312e-01
 -2.73437500e-01 -3.07617188e-02 -3.37890625e-01  1.53320312e-01
  2.33398438e-01 -2.08007812e-01  3.73046875e-01  8.20312500e-02
  2.51953125e-01 -7.61718750e-02 -4.66308594e-02 -2.23388672e-02
  2.99072266e-02 -5.93261719e-02 -4.66918945e-03 -2.44140625e-01
 -2.09960938e-01 -2.87109375e-01 -4.54101562e-02 -1.77734375e-01
 -2.79296875e-01 -8.59375000e-02  9.13085938e-02  2.51953125e-01]

This vector has 300 entries, i.e., 300 dimensions. We can’t say much about what those dimensions map. We can represent this vector with a heatmap:


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors

vectors= google_vectors['king']

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 1))

cmap = ax.imshow([vectors], aspect='auto',
ax.set_xlabel('Embedding dimension')

Embedding of king - word2vec model

And compare it with other words, like “queen”:


vectors= google_vectors['king','queen']

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 1))

cmap = ax.imshow(vectors, aspect='auto',
ax.set_xlabel('Embedding dimension')
plt.axhline(y=.5, c='k', linestyle='--')

Embedding of king vs queen - word2vec model

This visualization shows that the the embeddings for king and queen share similar values in some dimensions. What do those dimension mean? It’s risky to attribute specific features or meanings to individual dimensions based on their values. Individual dimensions in word embeddings are not directly interpretable: The similarities we observe are influenced by the corpus and the hyperparameters used during training.


Let’s explore the dimensions of the embeddings. Even though we cannot be sure of what the dimensions mean, we can make some hypotheses comparing other embeddings, for similar meanings.

  • Add the vectors for [‘boy’,‘king’,‘man’, ‘queen’, ‘woman’, ‘girl’, ‘daughter’] and plot it using the code above
  • Compare the vectors by vertically scanning the columns looking for columns with similar colors. What similarities do you see? What characteristics do you think they map?
  1. add vectors [‘boy’,‘king’,‘man’, ‘queen’, ‘woman’, ‘girl’, ‘daughter’] and plot it


vectors= google_vectors['boy', 'king', 'man', 'queen', 'woman', 'girl', 'daughter']

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 3))

cmap = ax.imshow(vectors, aspect='auto',
ax.set_yticks([0,1,2,3, 4, 5, 6])
ax.set_yticklabels(['boy','king','man', 'queen', 'woman', 'girl', 'daughter'])
ax.set_xlabel('Embedding dimension')
plt.axhline(y=.5, c='k', linestyle='--')
plt.axhline(y=1.5, c='k', linestyle='--')
plt.axhline(y=2.5, c='k', linestyle='--')
plt.axhline(y=3.5, c='k', linestyle='--')
plt.axhline(y=4.5, c='k', linestyle='--')
plt.axhline(y=5.5, c='k', linestyle='--')


  1. Compare the vectors by vertically scanning the columns looking for columns with similar colors.
Exercise solution - word2vec model

While we don’t know which dimension code for what, we can see that some columns are similar for all words, while other seem to distinguish the characteristic of being royal and gender. We could add more words and get a better understanding of what they code, however ultimately these would be always guesses.


A word analogy is a statement of the type: “a is to b as x is to y”, which means that a and x can be transformed in the same way to get b and y, respectively. Vice versa, b and y can be inversely transformed to get a and x.

A famous analogy (King - man + woman ~= queen) shows an incredible property of word2vec embeddings: That is, since words are encoded as vectors, we can often solve analogies with vector arithmetic.

Let’s consider this in detail:

\[ \overrightarrow{\text{king}} - \overrightarrow{\text{man}} + \overrightarrow{\text{woman}} \approx \overrightarrow{\text{queen}} \]

Using the Gensim library in python, we can translate the above analogy into code:


google_vectors.most_similar(positive=['king', 'woman'], negative=['man'], topn=1)

In the line of code above, we have added the word vectors of: \[ \overrightarrow{\text{king}}\] and: \[\overrightarrow{\text{woman}}\] and subtracted: \[\overrightarrow{\text{man}}\] Topn was set to 1 to output the most similar (in terms of cosine similarity) word to the resulting vector.

The output:


[('queen', 0.7118192911148071)]

We can visualize this analogy as we did previously:

Analogy of King - Man + woman ~= Queen
Analogy of King - Man + woman ~= Queen

This analogy works very well, as it matches our own expectation. However, the match is not 100%, indeed the embedding “queen” is just the closest embedding that this specific pre-trained model has in its vocabulary. That’s the reason why we don’t use the = symbol, but ~=.


Try other analogies with the code above. Find at least one analogy that works, and another that in your opinion is not exactly what you expected.

An analogy that works, i.e., it matches my logic:

\[ \overrightarrow{\text{dollar}} - \overrightarrow{\text{US}} + \overrightarrow{\text{Italy}} \approx \overrightarrow{\text{euro}} \]


google_vectors.most_similar(positive=['dollar', 'Italy'], negative=['US'], topn=1)



[('euro', 0.5166667103767395)]

This analogy also works, and it is based on the orthography of the words:

\[ \overrightarrow{\text{apple}} - \overrightarrow{\text{apples}} + \overrightarrow{\text{cars}} \approx \overrightarrow{\text{car}} \]


google_vectors.most_similar(positive=['apple', 'cars'], negative=['apples'], topn=1)



[('car', 0.696682333946228)]

An analogy that doesn’t exactly match my expectation:

\[ \overrightarrow{\text{doctor}} - \overrightarrow{\text{hospital}} + \overrightarrow{\text{school}} \approx \overrightarrow{\text{teacher}} \]


google_vectors.most_similar(positive=['doctor', 'school'], negative=['hospital'], topn=1)



[('guidance_counselor', 0.5969595313072205)]

So, in this case this analogy is not solved very well by our model. I expected the model to give me the word teacher but instead it gave me guidance_counselor.

Linguistic categories, dimensionality reduction and the challenge of polysemy

In addition to analogies, we can explore how good word2vec is in capturing the syntactic and semantic similarity between words (and pairs of words), via the exploration of linguistic categories.

Linguistic categories are groups of words that describe high-level properties that all those words have in common. Consider the following words:


['car', 'truck', 'bus', 'bicycle', 'motorcycle', 'scooter', 'train', 'airplane', 
                 'helicopter', 'boat', 'ship', 'submarine', 'van', 'taxi', 'ambulance', 'tractor', 
                 'trailer', 'jeep', 'minivan', 'skateboard', 'tank', 'bobcat']

What do they have in common? They are all vehicles. Consider now these words:


['dog', 'cat', 'horse', 'lion', 'tiger', 'elephant', 'bear', 'wolf', 'fox', 'deer', 
                'rabbit', 'mouse', 'rat', 'bird', 'eagle', 'hawk', 'fish', 'shark', 'whale', 'dolphin',
               'fly', 'crane', 'bug','seal','cougar', 'jaguar']

All those words belong to the category of animals. Let’s group those vectors in their respective category labels:


animal_words = ['dog', 'cat', 'horse', 'lion', 'tiger', 'elephant', 'bear', 'wolf', 'fox', 'deer', 
                'rabbit', 'mouse', 'rat', 'bird', 'eagle', 'hawk', 'fish', 'shark', 'whale', 'dolphin',
               'fly', 'crane', 'bug','seal','cougar', 'jaguar']
vehicle_words = ['car', 'truck', 'bus', 'bicycle', 'motorcycle', 'scooter', 'train', 'airplane', 
                 'helicopter', 'boat', 'ship', 'submarine', 'van', 'taxi', 'ambulance', 'tractor', 
                 'trailer', 'jeep', 'minivan', 'skateboard', 'tank', 'bobcat']

Let’s extract their vectors from our pre-trained word2vec model:


all_words = animal_words + vehicle_words 
word_vectors = np.array([google_vectors[word] for word in all_words])

Intuitively, if we were to represent visually those categories in a two-dimensional (i.e., 2D) space, we would represent each word as a point in the plot, and separate in space those words belonging to the category of animal from those belonging to the category of vehicles. To test our intuition against the model, we can plot it.

Dimensionality reduction

However, a point is made of two coordinate: x and y, while each word in those categories contains 50 coordinates, one for each dimension. We cannot represent more than e.g., 4 dimensions in our plot (x, y, z and colour). What’s the solution then?

We must “squeeze” the dimensions into 2 (x and y). This process is called dimensionality reduction. The idea behind it is to represent a set of high-dimensional vectors as 2D points in such a way that the distances between pairs of points are preserved as much as possible. Of course this will be an approximation, however in most cases is good enough to test our intuition. There are many methods of dimensionality reduction, in this case we use UMAP from the homonymous library:


# Reduce dimensions using UMAP
import umap.umap_ as umap

reducer = umap.UMAP(n_neighbors=15, min_dist=0.1, random_state=40)
embedding = reducer.fit_transform(word_vectors)
  • Setting n_neighbors to 15 means UMAP will consider each point in the context of its 15 nearest neighbors. Lower values of n_neighbors can capture more local structure, which might be useful for clustering closely related points.

  • min_dist: This parameter controls how tightly UMAP packs points together. It defines the minimum distance between points in the embedding space. Lower values lead to more tightly packed embeddings, while higher values result in a more spread out embedding. A value of 0.1 allows some flexibility while keeping the embeddings packed.

  • Setting random_state to 40 ensures that the results are reproducible. This means that each time the code is run with the same data and parameters, the output will be the same.

  • fit_transform picks the high-dimentional data and transforms it into a lower-dimensional space.

We plot the result of the dimensionality reduction:


plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))

# animal words
for i, word in enumerate(animal_words_in_vocab):
    plt.scatter(embedding[i, 0], embedding[i, 1], color='blue')
    plt.text(embedding[i, 0] + 0.1, embedding[i, 1] + 0.1, word, fontsize=9, color='blue')

# vehicle words
for i, word in enumerate(vehicle_words_in_vocab, start=len(animal_words_in_vocab)):
    plt.scatter(embedding[i, 0], embedding[i, 1], color='red')
    plt.text(embedding[i, 0] + 0.1, embedding[i, 1] + 0.1, word, fontsize=9, color='red')

plt.title('2D Visualization of Animal and Vehicle Words using UMAP')
plt.xlabel('UMAP Dimension 1')
plt.ylabel('UMAP Dimension 2')
2D visualisation of animal and vehicle word embeddings

The visualisation confirms our real world knowledge:

  1. Words belonging to the animal realm are closer and form a group together. Same for the vehicle words.

  2. Those two categories form two clusters, i.e., it would be easy to draw with a pen their perimeter


At a closer inspection, however, there is also an interesting phenomenon visible: The words crane (for animals) and bobcat (for vehicles) are somewhat confused. They are represented closer to the vehicles and animals, respectively. The reason for this “confusion” is due to the fact that crane and bobcat are polysemous words, i.e., they have multiple meanings. A crane is a large, tall machine used for moving heavy objects and a tall, long-legged, long-necked bird. A bobcat is both a wildcat with a short tail and spotted coat and an excavator used for digging. A vast majority of words, especially frequent ones, are polysemous, with each word taking on anywhere from two to a dozen different senses in many natural languages. We are able to disambiguate words based on the context in which they occur. Word2vec however is not able to do it. The reason for this is that word2vec assigns a single vector to each word regardless of its multiple meanings. This means that all contexts in which a polysemous word appears contribute to a single representation, in which all meanings are blended together.

Key Points

  • We can explore linguistic categories via word2vec by extracting the vectors of words belonging to some category we wish to investigate

  • To visualise word embeddings we must reduce their dimensions to 2

  • Word2vec does not deal very efficiently with polysemy as it does not allow to extract a different embedding to a word depending on its context

(Optional) Training a word2vec model on our dataset

We import spacy for a light pre-processing of the text and nltk to get a subset of the books present in the Gutenberg dataset.


import spacy
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import gutenberg

# this is a log setting, useful for printing during training
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)


If you haven’t installed spaCy before, and the proper english model, run the code below from your terminal:


pip install spacy
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

We load the en_core_web_sm model.It is a pre-trained statistical model provided by spaCy for processing English language text. It includes vocabulary and syntax already.


nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

We download the books:


Let’s take a look at which books we have in this dataset:


available_books = gutenberg.fileids()





Some of these books are very big, making the training excessively long. It’s best for this exercise to limit ourselves to midium/small size books. In order to do so, we first compute the length of each book, then we subset those that are within 2000000 characters. This is an arbitrary value but for the sake of this exercise it serves our purpose. If we were to train all books from the Gutenberg dataset we would need access to a server a different type of code that deals with allocation of the memory more efficiently.


# Calculate the length of each book
book_lengths = {book: len(nltk.corpus.gutenberg.raw(book)) for book in available_books}

# Print the size of each book
for book, length in book_lengths.items():
    print(f"{book}: {length} characters")

We set npl.max_length to 2000000 because some books in the Gutenberg libraries are very long. The nlp.max_length parameter ensures that they are processed without issues related to document length.


nlp.max_length = 2000000 

Now we filter the books that are within our nlp.max_length:


# filter books that are less than our max_length
filtered_books = [book for book, length in book_lengths.items() if length <= nlp.max_length]

We are ready to preprocess our books and train our word2vec model.

First, preprocess the books. We use an ad-hoc function to tokenize, lowercase, remove stop words and punctuation:


# Function to read and preprocess texts using spaCy
def read_input(book_ids):
    """This method reads the input book IDs and preprocesses the text""""Reading and preprocessing books...this may take a while")
    for book_id in book_ids:"Reading book {book_id}")
        raw_text = nltk.corpus.gutenberg.raw(book_id)
        doc = nlp(raw_text)
        for sentence in doc.sents:
            # Tokenize, lowercase, use lemmatization
            tokens = [token.lemma_.lower() for token in sentence 
            # remove stop words punctuation and words starting with uppercase (to avoid entities), 
                      if not token.is_stop and not token.is_punct and not token.text[0].isupper()]
            if tokens:
                yield tokens

Then we run it over our dataset:


# Read and preprocess the texts from the selected books
documents = list(read_input(filtered_books))"Done reading and preprocessing data")

We initialise the word2vec model:


model = gensim.models.Word2Vec(documents, vector_size=50, window=4, min_count=2, workers=4)

Note that:

  • By default, the architecture used by gensim.models.Word2Vec() is CBOW. You have to explicitly state sg=1 if you intend to use skip-gram.

  • we set vector_size to 50. This means that each word will be represented by a 50-dimensional vector in the embedding space. Higher dimensions can capture more semantic nuances but require more computational resources.

  • In addition, we set window to 4. This setting ensures that the model consider up to 4 words to the left and 4 words to the right of the target word for context. Larger windows can capture broader context but might introduce noise.

  • We ignore all words with total frequency lower than a predifined threshold by setting min_count to 2. This helps to remove infrequent words that may not provide useful information and could potentially introduce noise.

  • We set workers to 4 to use 4 parallel threads for training. More workers can speed up training on multicore machines.

Now that we are all set, we start training on the polished dataset:



We can then explore the embedding space as we did for the word2vec-google-news-300 model.


  • Try exploring your pre-trained model by re-computing the famous analogy of the king and outputting the first 5 words. Do you find any difference in performance?

  • If you ask for the top 10 words most similar to King what’s the output?

  • How do you explain differences in performance, if any?

  • Reproducing the famous analogy of the King - man + woman ~= queen:


model.wv.most_similar(positive=['king', 'woman'], negative=['man'], topn=5)



[('rich', 0.6688281893730164),
 ('brave', 0.6251468062400818),
 ('widow', 0.6215934753417969),
 ('farmer', 0.6200089454650879),
 ('nursery', 0.6171179413795471)]
  • If you ask for the top 10 words most similar to King what’s the output?


# the word most similar to king?
w1 = "king"
model.wv.most_similar(w1, topn=10)



[('queen', 0.6963975429534912),
 ('royal', 0.6770277619361877),
 ('brave', 0.6549012660980225),
 ('evangelist', 0.6369228959083557),
 ('warrior', 0.6366517543792725),
 ('god', 0.6336646676063538),
 ('crop', 0.6331022381782532),
 ('bachelor', 0.6304036974906921),
 ('mystick', 0.6260853409767151),
 ('auction', 0.614545464515686)]
  • Difference in performance is due to (1) different trained corpus and (2) different size of the corpus.

Key Points

  • We can both train or load a pre-trained word2vec model

  • Embeddings of a trained model will reflect the statistics of the input dataset

  • Loading a (big) pre-trained word2vec model allows us to get embeddings that better reflect the syntactic and semantic relationship among (pairs of) words. Using one or the other will depend on your research question.