Content from Uploading a coding project to GitHub

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  • How do I share my changes with others on the web?


  • Create a repository on GitHub
  • Push to or pull from a remote repository.

Creating a GitHub repository

You are going to add your existing project to GitHub

Exercise: Create a GitHub repository

Log in to GitHub, then click on the icon in the top right corner to create a new repository.

Creating a Repository on GitHub (Step 1)
  • Give your repository the name of your project.
  • Make the repository Public
  • Keep the box for “Add a README” unchecked.
  • Keep “None” as options for both “Add .gitignore” and “Add a license.”

Then click “Create Repository”.

Creating a Repository on GitHub (Step 2)

As soon as the repository is created, GitHub displays a page with a URL and some information on how to configure your local repository:

Creating a Repository on GitHub (Step 3)

Pushing existing code to GitHub

Below are steps for pushing your existing code to GitHub using the command line. We recommend using the command line. You need to get used to it, but once you are used to it will make your life as a coder easier.

First install Shell and Git. Please refer to these installation instructions.

If you prefer uploading your project to GitHub using a git GUI like GitHub Desktop or Sourcetree, or an IDE with support for git like VSCode, you can also use that, but we do not provide instructions for it.

Exercise: Push your existing code to GitHub using the command line

On your computer, go to the directory of the project you want to add to GitHub using the terminal (git Bash for Windows). You can use the cd command to move into the directory. From here you run the following commands to “connect” your existing project to your repo on GitHub. (This is assuming that you created your repo on GitHub and it is currently empty)

First do this to initialize git (version control).


git init

Then do this to add all your files to be “monitored.” If you have files that you want ignored, you need to add a .gitignore file but for the sake of simplicity, just use this example to learn.


git add .

Then you commit and add a note in between the “” like “first commit” etc.


git commit -m "Initial Commit"

Now, we want to link to your project on GitHub. The home page of the repository on GitHub includes the URL string we need to identify it:

Where to Find Repository URL on GitHub

Make sure to copy the HTTPS link and not the SSH link.

Then use below command to connect the local repository to the repository in GitHub

git remote add origin <project url>

Test to see that it worked by doing


git remote -v

You should see what your repo is linked to.

Then you can push your changes to GitHub


git push origin main

Refresh the home page of your repository on GitHub to verify that your code is there.

Wait, what did we just do?

These are the basics for uploading a project to GitHub. We realize we are skipping a lot of details on how git works and how to use it. Our excuse is we want reproducible code on GitHub within a day.

If you want to learn more about git later, you can follow a this great lesson.

Optional exercise: My code is already on GitHub

If your code is already on GitHub you can try to help others pushing their code to GitHub, or explore the following topics:

Key Points

  • Use GitHub in the browser to create a remote repository
  • Use git init to initialize a local repository
  • Use git add . to add all your files to be “monitored” by git
  • USe git commit to commit your changes
  • Use git push to upload your local project to GitHub

Content from Software dependencies

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  • How can we communicate different versions of software dependencies?


  • Know how to track dependencies of a project
  • Set up an environment and make sure others can reproduce your environment

Our codes often depend on other codes that in turn depend on other codes …

  • Reproducibility: We can version-control our code with Git but how should we version-control dependencies? How can we capture and communicate dependencies?
  • Dependency hell: Different codes on the same environment can have conflicting dependencies.
An image showing blocks (=codes) depending on each other for stability
From xkcd - dependency. Another image that might be familiar to some of you working with Python can be found on xkcd - superfund.

Kitchen analogy

  • Software <-> recipe
  • Data <-> ingredients
  • Libraries <-> pots/tools
Cooking recipe in an unfamiliar language
Cooking recipe in an unfamiliar language [Midjourney, CC-BY-NC 4.0]
Kitchen with few open cooking books
When we create recipes, we often use tools created by others (libraries) [Midjourney, CC-BY-NC 4.0]

Tools and what problems they try to solve

Conda, Anaconda, pip, virtualenv, Pipenv, pyenv, Poetry, requirements.txt, environment.yml, renv, …, these tools try to solve the following problems:

  • Defining a specific set of dependencies, possibly with well defined versions
  • Installing those dependencies mostly automatically
  • Recording the versions for all dependencies
  • Isolate environments
    • On your computer for projects so they can use different software
    • Isolate environments on computers with many users (and allow self-installations)
  • Using different Python/R versions per project
  • Provide tools and services to share packages

Isolated environments are also useful because they help you make sure that you know your dependencies!

If things go wrong, you can delete and re-create - much better than debugging. The more often you re-create your environment, the more reproducible it is.

Dependencies-1: Time-capsule of dependencies

Situation: 5 students (A, B, C, D, E) wrote a code that depends on a couple of libraries. They uploaded their projects to GitHub. We now travel 3 years into the future and find their GitHub repositories and try to re-run their code before adapting it.

Answer in the collaborative document:

  • Which version do you expect to be easiest to re-run? Why?
  • What problems do you anticipate in each solution?

A: It will be tedious to collect the dependencies one by one. And after the tedious process you will still not know which versions they have used.

B: If there is no standard file to look for and look at and it might become very difficult for to create the software environment required to run the software. But at least we know the list of libraries. But we don’t know the versions.

C: Having a standard file listing dependencies is definitely better than nothing. However, if the versions are not specified, you or someone else might run into problems with dependencies, deprecated features, changes in package APIs, etc.

D and E: In both these cases exact versions of all dependencies are specified and one can recreate the software environment required for the project. One problem with the dependencies that come from GitHub is that they might have disappeared (what if their authors deleted these repositories?).

E is slightly preferable because version numbers are easier to understand than Git commit hashes or Git tags.

Dependencies-2: Create a time-capsule for the future

Now we will demo creating our own time-capsule and share it with the future world. If we asked you now which dependencies your project is using, what would you answer? How would you find out? And how would you communicate this information?

Uploading your requirements.txt or renv files to GitHub

Follow these steps to add the files in which you recorded your dependencies to GitHub:

This episode is based on the Code Refinery Reproducible Research lesson about dependencies.

Key Points

  • Recording dependencies with versions can make it easier for the next person to execute your code
  • There are many tools to record dependencies

Content from Document your research software

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  • What can I do to make my project more easily understandable?


  • Know what makes a good README file

Writing good README files

The README file is the first thing a user/collaborator sees. It should include:

  • A descriptive project title
  • Motivation (why the project exists)
  • How to setup
  • Copy-pastable quick start code example
  • Link or instructions for contributing
  • Recommended citation

Exercise README: Draft or improve a README for your project

Create a new file called in your local project (or improve the file for your project).

You can work individually, but you could also discuss whether anything can be improved on your neighbour’s README file(s).

Think about the user (which can be a future you) of your project, what does this user need to know to use or contribute to the project? And how do you make your project attractive to use or contribute to?

(Optional): Try the to analyse your README file and make your writing bold and clear.

Uploading your README file to GitHub

Follow these steps to add (the changes to) your README file to GitHub:

  1. Mark your changes as staged:


git add
  1. Commit your changes:


git commit -m "Update"
  1. Push your changes to GitHub:


git push origin main

Go to your GitHub repository and refresh the home page to see how the README file becomes a sort of landing page for your project.

(Optional) Other types of documentation.

In-code documentation

In-code documentation:

  • Makes code more understandable
  • Explains decisions we made

When not to use in-code documentation:

  • When the code is self-explanatory
  • To replace good variable/function names
  • To replace version control
  • To keep old (zombie) code around

Readable code vs commented code


# convert from degrees celsius to fahrenheit
def convert(d):
    return d * 5 / 9 + 32



def celsius_to_fahrenheit(degrees):
    return degrees * 5 / 9 + 32

Writing good comments - In-code-1: Comments

Let’s take a look at two example comments (comments in Python start with #):

Comment A


  # now we check if temperature is below -50
  if temperature < -50:
      print("ERROR: temperature is too low")

Comment B


  # we regard temperatures below -50 degrees as measurement errors
  if temperature < -50:
      print("ERROR: temperature is too low")

Which of these comments is more useful? Can you explain why?

  • Comment A describes what happens in this piece of code. This can be useful for somebody who has never seen Python or a program, but for somebody who has, it can feel like a redundant commentary.
  • Comment B is probably more useful as it describes why this piece of code is there, i.e. its purpose.

What are “docstrings” and how can they be useful?

Here is function fahrenheit_to_celsius which converts temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius.

The first set of examples uses regular comments:


# This function converts a temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius.
def fahrenheit_to_celsius(temp_f: float) -> float:
    temp_c = (temp_f - 32.0) * (5.0/9.0)
    return temp_c

The second set uses docstrings or similar concepts. Please compare the two (above and below):


def fahrenheit_to_celsius(temp_f: float) -> float:
    Converts a temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius.

    temp_f : float
        The temperature in Fahrenheit.

        The temperature in Celsius.

    temp_c = (temp_f - 32.0) * (5.0/9.0)
    return temp_c

Docstrings can do a bit more than just comments:

  • Tools can generate help text automatically from the docstrings.

  • Tools can generate documentation pages automatically from code.

It is common to write docstrings for functions, classes, and modules.

Good docstrings describe:

  • What the function does.

  • What goes in (including the type of the input variables).

  • What goes out (including the return type).

Naming is documentation: Giving explicit, descriptive names to your code segments (functions, classes, variables) already provides very useful and important documentation. In practice you will find that for simple functions it is unnecessary to add a docstring when the function name and variable names already give enough information.

User/API documentation

  • What if a README file is not enough?
  • How do I easily create user documentation?


You can use the following tools to generate user or API documentation:

Sphinx (documentation generator)

  • creates nicely-formatted HTML pages out of .md or .rst files
  • programming language independent

Github pages (deploy your documentation)

  • set up inside your GitHub repository
  • automatically deploys your Sphinx-generated documentation

Key Points

  • Good README files provide a good landing place for anyone that is new to your project

Content from Coding conventions and modular coding

Last updated on 2024-12-03 | Edit this page



  • Why should you follow software code style conventions?
  • What code style conventions can you use in Python and R?
  • How can nested code be targeted and improved through modularization?
  • How can I write a new function in R?


  • Know how to write readable code
  • Know how to write modular code

Coding conventions and style guides

Readable code - for others and our future selves - should be descriptive, cleanly and consistently formatted, and use sensible, descriptive names for variables, functions and modules.

In order to help us format our code, we can follow guidelines known as a style guide. A style guide is a set of conventions that we agree upon with our colleagues or community, to ensure that people produce code which looks similar in style. The most important thing about a style guide is that it provides consistency, making code easier to read and also easier to write - because you need to make fewer decisions.


Modular coding

What is modularity?

Modularity refers to the practice of building software from smaller, self-contained, and independent elements. Each element is designed to handle a specific set of tasks, contributing to the overall functionality of the system.

Modular coding is explained in more detail in these slides.

Writing functions

One of the best ways to improve your code and to make it more modular is to write functions. Functions allow you to automate common tasks in a more powerful and general way than copy-and-pasting. Writing a function has four big advantages over using copy-and-paste:

  1. You can give a function an evocative name that makes your code easier to understand.

  2. As requirements change, you only need to update code in one place, instead of many.

  3. You eliminate the chance of making incidental mistakes when you copy and paste (i.e.  updating a variable name in one place, but not in another).

  4. It makes it easier to reuse work from project-to-project, increasing your productivity over time.

A good rule of thumb is to consider writing a function whenever you’ve copied and pasted a block of code more than twice (i.e. you now have three copies of the same code).

Defining a function

Challenge: Identify code that can be put in a function

In your own project: identify code that would fit better in a function. Try to look for pieces of code that you repeat throughout your project.

Create an issue in your project for each possible function that you find. (Actually implementing the function is beyond the scope of this workshop).

GitHub issues are a good way to track your progress and to-do list. As well as a way for others to signal issues with your code.

(Optional) Modularity in Python


Carefully review the following code snippet:


def convert_temperature(temperature, unit):
    if unit == "F":
        # Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
        celsius = (temperature - 32) * (5 / 9)
        if celsius < -273.15:
            # Invalid temperature, below absolute zero
            return "Invalid temperature"
            # Convert Celsius to Kelvin
            kelvin = celsius + 273.15
            if kelvin < 0:
                # Invalid temperature, below absolute zero
                return "Invalid temperature"
                fahrenheit = (celsius * (9 / 5)) + 32
                if fahrenheit < -459.67:
                    # Invalid temperature, below absolute zero
                    return "Invalid temperature"
                    return celsius, kelvin
    elif unit == "C":
        # Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
        fahrenheit = (temperature * (9 / 5)) + 32
        if fahrenheit < -459.67:
            # Invalid temperature, below absolute zero
            return "Invalid temperature"
            # Convert Celsius to Kelvin
            kelvin = temperature + 273.15
            if kelvin < 0:
                # Invalid temperature, below absolute zero
                return "Invalid temperature"
                return fahrenheit, kelvin
    elif unit == "K":
        # Convert Kelvin to Celsius
        celsius = temperature - 273.15
        if celsius < -273.15:
            # Invalid temperature, below absolute zero
            return "Invalid temperature"
            # Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
            fahrenheit = (celsius * (9 / 5)) + 32
            if fahrenheit < -459.67:
                # Invalid temperature, below absolute zero
                return "Invalid temperature"
                return celsius, fahrenheit
        return "Invalid unit"

Refactor the code by extracting functions without altering its functionality.

  • What functions did you create?
  • What strategies did you use to identify them?

Share your answers in the collaborative document.


def celsius_to_fahrenheit(celsius):
    Converts a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit.

        celsius (float): The temperature in Celsius.

        float: The temperature in Fahrenheit.
    return (celsius * (9 / 5)) + 32

def fahrenheit_to_celsius(fahrenheit):
    Converts a temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.

        fahrenheit (float): The temperature in Fahrenheit.

        float: The temperature in Celsius.
    return (fahrenheit - 32) * (5 / 9)

def celsius_to_kelvin(celsius):
    Converts a temperature from Celsius to Kelvin.

        celsius (float): The temperature in Celsius.

        float: The temperature in Kelvin.
    return celsius + 273.15

def kelvin_to_celsius(kelvin):
    Converts a temperature from Kelvin to Celsius.

        kelvin (float): The temperature in Kelvin.

        float: The temperature in Celsius.
    return kelvin - 273.15

def check_temperature_validity(temperature, unit):
    Checks if a temperature is valid for a given unit.

        temperature (float): The temperature to check.
        unit (str): The unit of the temperature. Must be "C", "F", or "K".

        bool: True if the temperature is valid, False otherwise.
    abs_zero = {"C": -273.15, "F": -459.67, "K": 0}
    if temperature < abs_zero[unit]:
        return False
    return True

def check_unit_validity(unit):
    Checks if a unit is valid.

        unit (str): The unit to check. Must be "C", "F", or "K".

        bool: True if the unit is valid, False otherwise.
    if not unit in ["C", "F", "K"]:
        return False
    return True

def convert_temperature(temperature, unit):
    Converts a temperature from one unit to another.

        temperature (float): The temperature to convert.
        unit (str): The unit of the temperature. Must be "C", "F", or "K".

        tuple: A tuple containing the converted temperature in Celsius and Kelvin units.

        ValueError: If the unit is not "C", "F", or "K".
        ValueError: If the temperature is below absolute zero for the given unit.

        >>> convert_temperature(32, "F")
        (0.0, 273.15)
        >>> convert_temperature(0, "C")
        (32.0, 273.15)
        >>> convert_temperature(273.15, "K")
        (0.0, -459.67)
    if not check_unit_validity(unit):
        raise ValueError("Invalid unit")
    if not check_temperature_validity(temperature, unit):
        raise ValueError("Invalid temperature")
    if unit == "F":
        celsius = fahrenheit_to_celsius(temperature)
        kelvin = celsius_to_kelvin(celsius)
        return celsius, kelvin
    if unit == "C":
        fahrenheit = celsius_to_fahrenheit(temperature)
        kelvin = celsius_to_kelvin(temperature)
        return fahrenheit, kelvin
    if unit == "K":
        celsius = kelvin_to_celsius(temperature)
        fahrenheit = celsius_to_fahrenheit(celsius)
        return celsius, fahrenheit

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(convert_temperature(0, "C"))
    print(convert_temperature(0, "F"))
    print(convert_temperature(0, "K"))
    print(convert_temperature(-500, "K"))
    print(convert_temperature(-500, "C"))
    print(convert_temperature(-500, "F"))
    print(convert_temperature(-500, "B"))


class TemperatureConverter:
    A class for converting temperatures between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin.

    def __init__(self):
        Initializes the TemperatureConverter object with a dictionary of absolute zero temperatures for each unit.
        self.abs_zero = {"C": -273.15, "F": -459.67, "K": 0}

    def celsius_to_fahrenheit(self, celsius):
        Converts a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit.

            celsius (float): The temperature in Celsius.

            float: The temperature in Fahrenheit.
        return (celsius * (9 / 5)) + 32

    def fahrenheit_to_celsius(self, fahrenheit):
        Converts a temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.

            fahrenheit (float): The temperature in Fahrenheit.

            float: The temperature in Celsius.
        return (fahrenheit - 32) * (5 / 9)

    def celsius_to_kelvin(self, celsius):
        Converts a temperature from Celsius to Kelvin.

            celsius (float): The temperature in Celsius.

            float: The temperature in Kelvin.
        return celsius + 273.15

    def kelvin_to_celsius(self, kelvin):
        Converts a temperature from Kelvin to Celsius.

            kelvin (float): The temperature in Kelvin.

            float: The temperature in Celsius.
        return kelvin - 273.15

    def check_temperature_validity(self, temperature, unit):
        Checks if a given temperature is valid for a given unit.

            temperature (float): The temperature to check.
            unit (str): The unit to check the temperature against.

            bool: True if the temperature is valid for the unit, False otherwise.
        if temperature < self.abs_zero[unit]:
            return False
        return True

    def check_unit_validity(self, unit):
        Checks if a given unit is valid.

            unit (str): The unit to check.

            bool: True if the unit is valid, False otherwise.
        if unit not in ["C", "F", "K"]:
            return False
        return True

    def convert_temperature(self, temperature, unit):
        Converts a temperature from one unit to another.

            temperature (float): The temperature to convert.
            unit (str): The unit of the temperature.

            tuple: A tuple containing the converted temperature in the other two units.
        if not self.check_unit_validity(unit):
            raise ValueError("Invalid unit")
        if not self.check_temperature_validity(temperature, unit):
            raise ValueError("Invalid temperature")
        if unit == "F":
            celsius = self.fahrenheit_to_celsius(temperature)
            kelvin = self.celsius_to_kelvin(celsius)
            return celsius, kelvin
        if unit == "C":
            fahrenheit = self.celsius_to_fahrenheit(temperature)
            kelvin = self.celsius_to_kelvin(temperature)
            return fahrenheit, kelvin
        if unit == "K":
            celsius = self.kelvin_to_celsius(temperature)
            fahrenheit = self.celsius_to_fahrenheit(celsius)
            return celsius, fahrenheit

if __name__ == "__main__":
    converter = TemperatureConverter()
    print(converter.convert_temperature(0, "C"))
    print(converter.convert_temperature(0, "F"))
    print(converter.convert_temperature(0, "K"))
    print(converter.convert_temperature(-500, "K"))
    print(convert_temperature(-500, "C"))
    print(convert_temperature(-500, "F"))
    print(convert_temperature(0, "X"))

(Optional): Writing good functions in R

Challenge 1

Write a function called kelvin_to_celsius() that takes a temperature in Kelvin and returns that temperature in Celsius.

Hint: To convert from Kelvin to Celsius you subtract 273.15

Write a function called kelvin_to_celsius that takes a temperature in Kelvin and returns that temperature in Celsius


kelvin_to_celsius <- function(temp) {
 celsius <- temp - 273.15

Combining functions

The real power of functions comes from mixing, matching and combining them into ever-larger chunks to get the effect we want.

Let’s define two functions that will convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Kelvin, and Kelvin to Celsius:


fahr_to_kelvin <- function(temp) {
  kelvin <- ((temp - 32) * (5 / 9)) + 273.15

kelvin_to_celsius <- function(temp) {
  celsius <- temp - 273.15

Challenge 2

Define the function to convert directly from Fahrenheit to Celsius, by reusing the two functions above (or using your own functions if you prefer).

Define the function to convert directly from Fahrenheit to Celsius, by reusing these two functions above


fahr_to_celsius <- function(temp) {
  temp_k <- fahr_to_kelvin(temp)
  result <- kelvin_to_celsius(temp_k)

The Modular coding section is based on the following sources:

Key Points

  • Coding conventions help you create more readable code that is easier to reuse and contribute to.
  • Consistently formatted code including descriptive variable and function names is easier to read and write
  • Software is built from smaller, self-contained elements, each handling specific tasks.
  • Modular code enhances robustness, readability, and ease of maintenance.
  • Modules can be reused across projects, promoting efficiency.
  • Good modules perform limited, defined tasks and have descriptive names.

Content from Further improvements to your project

Last updated on 2024-12-03 | Edit this page



  • What other improvements can I make to make my project more reproducible?


  • Add a license to your project
  • Add howfairis badge to your README file
  • Add information about how to cite your project
  • Link your project to Zenodo
  • Add data to your project

In this part we will add some further improvements to making your project more reproducible.

Try to prioritize what you think will be most beneficial to your project.

Add a license to your project

Pick a license and add it to the repository. Use to find a license for your project. Or if you do not know, you can use Apache License 2.0, a common permissive open-source license.

Add howfairis badge to your README file

Add the howfairis badge to your README file. Follow the instructions on the howfairis GitHub repo

How FAIR is your project and what do you need to do to improve it? Read more about FAIR software at

Add information about how to cite your project.

Use cff-initializer to create a CITATION.cff file for your project.

Add data to your project.

Make sure you are allowed to publish the data (most importantly, it should be de-identified in the case of human participants).

Publish the data in a data repository and include the link to your data set in your GitHub repository. Data repositories offer organized and structured storage and access of data, ensuring that data sets abide by the FAIR principles , allowing data are findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) as much as possible.

Alternatively, you can include a data file in your GitHub repository. In case you are unable to share the data, include dummy data in the project.

Make sure all data files are saved in a sustainable file format such as .csv, and that the files and variables are properly named and clearly described.

Key Points

  • There are various ways to improve the reproducibility of your project.

Content from Reusability check

Last updated on 2024-12-03 | Edit this page



  • How reproducible and reusable is your project?


  • Have your project checked for reproducibility and reusability.
  • Check a project for reproducibility and reusability.

Challenge: How reproducible and reusable is your project?

In this challenge you are going to check the reproducibility of each other’s repository.

Share your project

Share the link to your GitHub project with one of your peers.

Review the reproducibility of someone else’s project

Review the reproducibility of the project of one of your peers. Open a new GitHub issue in the project you are reviewing in which you answer these questions:

  • Is the code clearly documented and can you reproduce and reuse the code?
  • Are you able to rerun the analysis independently?
    • Note: in case of computationally intensive projects, it might be better to partially rerun the analysis (or with fewer repetitions or permutations if needed)
  • Which improvements do you suggest to make the code as clear as possible?

If you want your project to be more thoroughly checked for (computational) reproducibility, you can consider submitting your data and code to Reprohack or CODECHECK. Even if you don’t, it would be helpful to take into account their guidelines: both initiatives emphasize that documentation of your code is key!

Key Points

  • A check by another pair of eyes is the best way to learn how reproducible and reusable your code is