
Last updated on 2024-09-09 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 40 minutes



  • What is Asyncio?
  • When is asyncio usefull?


  • Understand the difference between a coroutine and a function.
  • Know the rudimentary basics of asyncio.
  • Perform parallel computations in asyncio.

Introduction to Asyncio

Asyncio stands for “asynchronous IO”, and as you might have guessed it has little to do with either asynchronous work or doing IO. In general, asynchronous is an adjective describing objects or events that are not coordinated in time. In fact, the asyncio system is more like a carefully tuned set of gears running a multitude of tasks as if you have a lot of OS threads running. In the end they are all powered by the same crank. The gears in asyncio are called coroutines, its teeth moving other coroutines wherever you find the await keyword.

The main application for asyncio is hosting back-ends for web services, where a lot of tasks may be waiting on each other, while the server still needs to be responsive to new events. In that respect, asyncio is a little bit outside the domain of computational science. Nevertheless, you may encounter async code in the wild, and you can do parallelism with asyncio if you want a higher level abstraction but don’t want to depend on dask or a similar alternative.

Many modern programming languages have features that are very similar to asyncio.


The main point of asyncio is that it offers a different formalism for doing work than what you’re used to from functions. To see what that means, we need to understand functions a bit better.

Call stacks

A function call is best understood in terms of a stack based system. When you call a function, you give it its arguments and forget for the moment what you were doing. Or rather, whatever you were doing, push it on a stack and forget about it. Then, with a clean sheet (called a stack frame), you start working on the given arguments until you arrive at a result. This result is what you remember, when you go back to the stack to see what you needed it for in the first place. In this manner, every function call pushes a frame to the stack, and every return statement, we pop back to the previous.

Mermaid code for above diagram
  Caller->>+Function: Could you please answer me: what is f(x)?
  Function->>-Caller: Yes, the answer is 42.
  Caller->>+Function: What was the previous answer?
  Function->>-Caller: I don't know, we've never spoken before!

Crucially, when we pop back, we forget about the stack frame inside the function. This way, there is always a single concious stream of thought. Function calls can be evaluated by a single active agent.


This section goes rather in depth on coroutines. This is meant to grow the correct mental model about what’s going on with asyncio.

When working with coroutines, things are a bit different. When a result is returned from a coroutine, the coroutine keeps existing, its context is not forgotten. Coroutines exist in Python in several forms, the simplest being a generator. The following generator produces all integers (if you wait long enough):


def integers():
  a = 1
  while True:
    yield a
    a += 1



for i in integers():
  if i > 10:   # or this would take a while



from itertools import islice
islice(integers(), 0, 10)


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Mermaid code for above diagram
  Caller->>+Integers: Please start counting
  Caller-->>Integers: What is the next number?
  Integers-->>Caller: 1
  Caller-->>Integers: What is the next number?
  Integers-->>Caller: 2
  GC-->>Integers: I'm sorry, you were forgotten about!
  Integers->>-GC: Ok, I'll stop existing

Challenge: generate all even numbers

Can you write a generator that generates all even numbers? Try to reuse integers(). Extra: Can you generate the Fibonacci numbers?


def even_integers():
  for i in integers():
    if i % 2 == 0:
      yield i



def even_integers():
  return (i for i in integers() if i % 2 == 0)

For the Fibonacci numbers:


def fib():
  a, b = 1, 1
  while True:
    yield a
    a, b = b, a + b

The generator gives away control, passing a value back, expecting, maybe, if faith has it, that control will be passed back to it in the future. The keyword yield applies in all its meanings: control is yielded, and we have a yield in terms of harvesting a crop.

A generator conceptually only has one-way traffic: we get output. We can also use yield the other way around: it can be used to send information to a coroutine. For instance: we can have a coroutine that prints whatever you send to it.


def printer():
  while True:
    x = yield

p = printer()
next(p)   # we need to advance the coroutine to the first yield

Challenge: line numbers

Change printer to add line numbers to the output.


def printer():
  lineno = 1
  while True:
    x = yield
    print(f"{lineno:03} {x}")
    lineno += 1

In practice, the send form of coroutines is hardly ever used. Cases where you’d need it are rare, and chances are noone will understand your code. Where it was needed before, its use is now largely superceded by asyncio.

Now that you have seen coroutines, it is a small step towards asyncio. The idea is that you can use coroutines to build a collaborative multi-threading environment. In most modern operating systems, execution threads are given some time, and then when the OS needs to do something else, control is taken away pre-emptively. In collaborative multi-tasking, every worker knows it is part of a collaborative, and it voluntarily yields control to the scheduler. With coroutines and yield you should be able to see that it is possible to create such a system, but it is not so straight forward, especially when you start to consider the propagation of exceptions.


While asyncio itself is a library in standard Python, this library is actually a core component for using the associated async syntax. There are two keywords here: async and await.

async Is a modifier keyword that modifies the behaviour of any subsequent syntax to behave in a manner that is consistent with the asynchronous run-time.

await Is used inside a coroutine to wait for another coroutine to yield a result. Effectively, control is passed back to the scheduler, which may decide to give back control when a result is present.

A first program

Jupyter understands asynchronous code, so you can await futures in any cell.


import asyncio

async def counter(name):
  for i in range(5):
    print(f"{name:<10} {i:03}")
    await asyncio.sleep(0.2)

await counter("Venus")


Venus      000
Venus      001
Venus      002
Venus      003
Venus      004

We can have coroutines work concurrently when we gather two coroutines.


await asyncio.gather(counter("Earth"), counter("Moon"))


Earth      000
Moon       000
Earth      001
Moon       001
Earth      002
Moon       002
Earth      003
Moon       003
Earth      004
Moon       004

Note that, although the Earth counter and Moon counter seem to operate at the same time, in actuality they are alternated by the scheduler and still running in a single thread! If you work outside the confines of Jupyter, you need to make sure to create an asynchronous main function and run it using A typical program will look like this:


import asyncio


async def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

Asyncio, just like we saw with Dask, is contagious. Once you have async code at some low level, higher level code also needs to be async: it’s turtles all the way down! You may be tempted to do somewhere from the middle of your normal code to interact with the asyncronous parts. This can get you into trouble though, when you get multiple active asyncio run-times. While it is in principle possible to mix asyncio and classic code, it is in general considered bad practice to do so.

Timing asynchronous code

While Jupyter works very well with asyncio, one thing that doesn’t work is line or cell-magic. We’ll have to write our own timer.

It may be best to let participants copy paste this snippet from the collaborative document. You may want to explain what a context manager is, but don’t overdo it. This is advanced code and may scare off novices.


from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional
from time import perf_counter
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager

class Elapsed:
    time: Optional[float] = None

async def timer():
    e = Elapsed()
    t = perf_counter()
    yield e
    e.time = perf_counter() - t

Now we can write:


async with timer() as t:
  await asyncio.sleep(0.2)
print(f"that took {t.time} seconds")


that took 0.20058414503000677 seconds

These few snippets of code require advanced Python knowledge to understand. Rest assured that both classic coroutines and asyncio are a large topic to cover, and we’re not going to cover all of it. At least, we can now time the execution of our code!

Compute \(\pi\) again

As a reminder, here is our Numba code to compute \(\pi\).


import random
import numba

def calc_pi(N):
    M = 0
    for i in range(N):
        # Simulate impact coordinates
        x = random.uniform(-1, 1)
        y = random.uniform(-1, 1)

        # True if impact happens inside the circle
        if x**2 + y**2 < 1.0:
            M += 1
    return 4 * M / N

We can send work to another thread with asyncio.to_thread.


async with timer() as t:
    await asyncio.to_thread(calc_pi, 10**7)

Gather multiple outcomes

We’ve seen that we can gather multiple coroutines using asyncio.gather. Now gather several calc_pi computations, and time them.


async with timer() as t:
    result = await asyncio.gather(
       asyncio.to_thread(calc_pi, 10**7),
       asyncio.to_thread(calc_pi, 10**7))

We can put this into a new function calc_pi_split:


async def calc_pi_split(N, M):
    lst = await asyncio.gather(*(asyncio.to_thread(calc_pi, N) for _ in range(M)))
    return sum(lst) / M

Now, see if we get a speed up.


async with timer() as t:
    pi = await asyncio.to_thread(calc_pi, 10**8)
    print(f"Value of π: {pi}")

print(f"that took {t.time} seconds")


Value of π: 3.1418552
that took 2.3300534340087324 seconds


async with timer() as t:
    pi = await calc_pi_split(10**7, 10)
    print(f"Value of π: {pi}")

print(f"that took {t.time} seconds")


Value of π: 3.1416366400000006
that took 0.5876454019453377 seconds

Working with asyncio outside Jupyter

Jupyter already has an asyncronous loop running for us. If you want to run scripts outside Jupyter you should write an asynchronous main function and call it using

Compute \(\pi\) in a script

Collect what we have done so far to compute \(\pi\) in parallel into a script and run it.

Make sure that you create an async main function, and run it using Create a small module called calc_pi.


# file: calc_pi/
# may remain empty

Put the Numba code in a separate file calc_pi/


# file: calc_pi/


Put the async timer function in a separate file


# file:



# file: calc_pi/

import asyncio
from async_timer import timer
from .numba import calc_pi


async def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

You may run this using python -m calc_pi.async_pi.


Play with different subdivisions for calc_pi_split such that M*N remains constant. How much overhead do you see?


import asyncio
import pandas as pd
from plotnine import ggplot, geom_line, geom_point, aes, scale_y_log10, scale_x_log10

from .numba import calc_pi
from .async_pi import calc_pi_split
from async_timer import timer

calc_pi(1)  # compile the numba function

async def main():
    timings = []
    for njobs in [2**i for i in range(13)]:
        jobsize = 2**25 // njobs
        print(f"{jobsize} - {njobs}")
        async with timer() as t:
            await calc_pi_split(jobsize, njobs)
        timings.append((jobsize, njobs, t.time))

    timings = pd.DataFrame(timings, columns=("jobsize", "njobs", "time"))
    plot = ggplot(timings, aes(x="njobs", y="time")) \
        + geom_line() + geom_point() + scale_y_log10() + scale_x_log10()"asyncio-timings.svg")

if __name__ == "__main__":
a dip at njobs=10 and overhead ~0.1ms per task

The work takes about 0.1s more when using 1000 tasks, so assuming that overhead scales linearly with the amount of tasks, we can learn that the overhead is around 0.1ms per task.

Key Points

  • Use the async keyword to write asynchronous code.
  • Use await to call coroutines.
  • Use asyncio.gather to collect work.
  • Use asyncio.to_thread to perform CPU intensive tasks.
  • Inside a script: always make an asynchronous main function, and run it with