introductionCommon problemsOverview and rationaleWhy Python?What is parallel computing?

  • Programs are parallelizable if you can identify independent tasks.
  • To make programs scalable, you need to chunk the work.
  • Parallel programming often triggers a redesign; we use different patterns.
  • Doing work in parallel does not always give a speed-up.

BenchmarkingA first example with DaskMemory profilingUsing many cores

  • It is often non-trivial to understand performance
  • Memory is just as important as speed
  • Measuring is knowing

Computing $\pi$Parallelizing a Python applicationUsing Numba to accelerate Python code

  • Always profile your code to see which parallelization method works best
  • Vectorized algorithms are both a blessing and a curse.
  • Numba can help you speed up code

Threads and processesThreadingMultiprocessing

  • If we want the most efficient parallelism on a single machine, we need to circumvent the GIL.
  • If your code releases the GIL, threading will be more efficient than multiprocessing.
  • If your code does not release the GIL, some of your code is still in Python, and you’re wasting precious compute time!

Delayed evaluationDask Delayed

  • We can change the strategy by which a computation is evaluated.
  • Nothing is computed until we run compute().
  • By using delayed evaluation, Dask knows which jobs can be run in parallel.
  • Call compute only once at the end of your program to get the best results.

Map and reduce

  • Use abstractions to keep programs manageable

Exercise with FractalsThe Mandelbrot and Julia fractals

  • Actually making code faster is not always straight forward
  • Easy one-liners can get you 80% of the way
  • Writing clean, modular code often makes it easier to parallelise later on

AsyncioIntroduction to AsyncioA first programWorking with asyncio outside Jupyter

  • Use the async keyword to write asynchronous code.
  • Use await to call coroutines.
  • Use asyncio.gather to collect work.
  • Use asyncio.to_thread to perform CPU intensive tasks.
  • Inside a script: always make an asynchronous main function, and run it with

Calling external C and C++ libraries from PythonCalling C and C++ librariesCall the C library from multiple threads simultaneously.

  • Multiple options are available in calling external C and C++ libraries and that the best choice can depend on the complexity of your problem.
  • Obviously, there is an extra compile and link step, but you will get a much faster execution compared to pure Python.
  • Also, the GIL will be circumvented in calling these libaries.
  • Numba might also offer you the speedup you want with even less effort.