Delayed evaluation

Last updated on 2023-01-06 | Edit this page



  • What abstractions does Dask offer?
  • How can I paralellize existing Python code?


  • Understand the abstraction of delayed evaluation
  • Use the visualize method to create dependency graphs

Dask is one of the many tools available for parallelizing Python code in a comfortable way. We’ve seen a basic example of dask.array in a previous episode. Now, we will focus on the delayed and bag sub-modules. Dask has a lot of other useful components, such as dataframe and futures, but we are not going to cover them in this lesson.

See an overview below:

Dask module Abstraction Keywords Covered
dask.array numpy Numerical analysis ✔️
dask.bag itertools Map-reduce, workflows ✔️
dask.delayed functions Anything that doesn’t fit the above ✔️
dask.dataframe pandas Generic data analysis
dask.futures concurrent.futures Control execution, low-level

Dask Delayed

A lot of the functionality in Dask is based on top of a concept known as delayed evaluation. Because this concept is so very important in understanding how Dask functions, we will go a bit deeper into dask.delayed.

By using dask.delayed we change the strategy by which our computation is evaluated. Normally in a computer, you expect commands to be run when you ask for them, and then when the job is complete, you can give the next command. When we use delayed evaluation, we don’t wait around to formulate the next command. Instead we create the dependency graph of our complete computation without actually doing any work. When we know the full dependency graph, we can see which jobs can be done in parallel and give those to different workers.

To express a computation in this world, we need to handle future objects as if they’re already there. These objects may be refered to as futures or promises.


Python has support for working with futures in several libraries, each time slightly different. The main difference between Python futures and Dask delayed objects is that futures are added to a queue from the first moment you define them, while delayed objects are silent until you ask to compute. We will refer to these ‘live’ futures as futures, and ‘dead’ futures (like delayed) as promises.


from dask import delayed

The delayed decorator builds a dependency graph from function calls.


def add(a, b):
    result = a + b
    print(f"{a} + {b} = {result}")
    return a + b

A delayed function stores the requested function call inside a promise. The function is not actually executed yet, instead we are promised a value that can be computed later.


x_p = add(1, 2)

We can check that x_p is now a Delayed value.




[out]: dask.delayed.Delayed


It is often a good idea to suffix variables that you know are promises with _p. That way you keep track of promises versus immediate values. {: .callout}

Only when we evaluate the computation, do we get an output.




1 + 2 = 3
[out]: 3

From Delayed values we can create larger workflows and visualize them.


x_p = add(1, 2)
y_p = add(x_p, 3)
z_p = add(x_p, y_p)
boxes and arrows
Dask workflow graph

Challenge: run the workflow

Given this workflow:


x_p = add(1, 2)
y_p = add(x_p, 3)
z_p = add(x_p, -3)

Visualize and compute y_p and z_p separately, how often is x_p evaluated?

Now change the workflow:


x_p = add(1, 2)
y_p = add(x_p, 3)
z_p = add(x_p, y_p)

We pass the yet uncomputed promise x_p to both y_p and z_p. Now, only compute z_p, how often do you expect x_p to be evaluated? Run the workflow to check your answer.




1 + 2 = 3
3 + 3 = 6
3 + 6 = 9
[out]: 9

The computation of x_p (1 + 2) appears only once. This should teach you to procrastinate calling compute as long as you can.

We can also make a promise by directly calling delayed


N = 10**7
x_p = delayed(calc_pi)(N)

It is now possible to call visualize or compute methods on x_p.


In Python the decorator syntax is equivalent to passing a function through a function adapter (a.k.a. a higher order function or a functional). This adapter can change the behaviour of the function in many ways. The statement,


def sqr(x):
    return x*x

is functionally equivalent to:


def sqr(x):
    return x*x

sqr = delayed(sqr)

Variadic arguments

In Python you can define functions that take arbitrary number of arguments:


def add(*args):
 return sum(args)

add(1, 2, 3, 4)   # => 10

You can use tuple-unpacking to pass a sequence of arguments:


numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
add(*numbers)   # => 10

We can build new primitives from the ground up. An important function that you will find in many different places where non-standard evaluation strategies are involved is gather. We can implement gather as follows:


def gather(*args):
    return list(args)

Challenge: understand gather

Can you describe what the gather function does in terms of lists and promises? hint: Suppose I have a list of promises, what does gather allow me to do?

It turns a list of promises into a promise of a list.

We can visualize what gather does by this small example.


x_p = gather(*(add(n, n) for n in range(10))) # Shorthand for gather(add(1, 1), add(2, 2), ...)

a gather pattern {.output alt=“boxes and arrows”}

Computing the result,




[out]: [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

Challenge: design a mean function and calculate pi

Write a delayed function that computes the mean of its arguments. Use it to esimates pi several times and returns the mean of the results.


>>> mean(1, 2, 3, 4).compute()

Make sure that the entire computation is contained in a single promise.


from dask import delayed
import random

def mean(*args):
    return sum(args) / len(args)

def calc_pi(N):
    """Computes the value of pi using N random samples."""
    M = 0
    for i in range(N):
        # take a sample
        x = random.uniform(-1, 1)
        y = random.uniform(-1, 1)
        if x*x + y*y < 1.: M+=1
    return 4 * M / N

N = 10**6
pi_p = mean(*(delayed(calc_pi)(N) for i in range(10)))

You may not seed a significant speedup. This is because dask delayed uses threads by default and our native Python implementation of calc_pi does not circumvent the GIL. With for example the numba version of calc_pi you should see a more significant speedup.

In practice you may not need to use @delayed functions too often, but it does offer ultimate flexibility. You can build complex computational workflows in this manner, sometimes replacing shell scripting, make files and the likes.

Key Points

  • We can change the strategy by which a computation is evaluated.
  • Nothing is computed until we run compute().
  • By using delayed evaluation, Dask knows which jobs can be run in parallel.
  • Call compute only once at the end of your program to get the best results.