Exercise with Fractals

Last updated on 2023-01-11 | Edit this page



  • Can we try a real problem now?


  • Create a strategy to parallelise existing code
  • Apply previous lessons

The Mandelbrot and Julia fractals

This exercise uses Numpy and Matplotlib.


from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

We will be computing the famous Mandelbrot fractal.

Complex numbers

Complex numbers are a special representation of rotations and scalings in the two-dimensional plane. Multiplying two complex numbers is the same as taking a point, rotate it by an angle \(\phi\) and scale it by the absolute value. Multiplying with a number \(z \in \mathbb{C}\) by 1 preserves \(z\). Multiplying a point at \(i = (0, 1)\) (having a positive angle of 90 degrees and absolute value 1), rotates it anti-clockwise by 90 degrees. Then you might see that \(i^2 = (-1, 0)\). The funny thing is, that we can treat \(i\) as any ordinary number, and all our algebra still works out. This is actually nothing short of a miracle! We can write a complex number

\[z = x + iy,\]

remember that \(i^2 = -1\) and act as if everything is normal!

The Mandelbrot set is the set of complex numbers \[c \in \mathbb{C}\] for which the iteration,

\[z_{n+1} = z_n^2 + c,\]

converges, starting iteration at \(z_0 = 0\). We can visualize the Mandelbrot set by plotting the number of iterations needed for the absolute value \(|z_n|\) to exceed 2 (for which it can be shown that the iteration always diverges).

colorful rendering of mandelbrot set
The whole Mandelbrot set

We may compute the Mandelbrot as follows:


max_iter = 256
width = 256
height = 256
center = -0.8+0.0j
extent = 3.0+3.0j
scale = max((extent / width).real, (extent / height).imag)

result = np.zeros((height, width), int)
for j in range(height):
    for i in range(width):
        c = center + (i - width // 2 + (j - height // 2)*1j) * scale
        z = 0
        for k in range(max_iter):
            z = z**2 + c
            if (z * z.conjugate()).real > 4.0:
        result[j, i] = k

Then we can plot with the following code:


fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 10))
plot_extent = (width + 1j * height) * scale
z1 = center - plot_extent / 2
z2 = z1 + plot_extent
ax.imshow(result**(1/3), origin='lower', extent=(z1.real, z2.real, z1.imag, z2.imag))

Things become really loads of fun when we start to zoom in. We can play around with the center and extent values (and necessarily max_iter) to control our window.


max_iter = 1024
center = -1.1195+0.2718j
extent = 0.005+0.005j

When we zoom in on the Mandelbrot fractal, we get smaller copies of the larger set!

rendering of mandelbrot zoom
Zoom in on Mandelbrot set


Make this into an efficient parallel program. What kind of speed-ups do you get?

We start with a naive implementation. It may be convenient to define a BoundingBox class in a separate module bounding_box.py. We’ll add methods to this class later on.


from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
import dask.array as da

class BoundingBox:
    width: int
    height: int
    center: complex
    extent: complex
    _scale: Optional[float] = None

    def scale(self):
        if self._scale is None:
            self._scale = max(self.extent.real / self.width,
                              self.extent.imag / self.height)
        return self._scale


test_case = BoundingBox(1024, 1024, -1.1195+0.2718j, 0.005+0.005j)


import matplotlib  # type:ignore
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from .bounding_box import BoundingBox

def plot_fractal(box: BoundingBox, values: np.ndarray, ax=None):
    if ax is None:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 10))
        fig = None
    plot_extent = (box.width + 1j * box.height) * box.scale
    z1 = box.center - plot_extent / 2
    z2 = z1 + plot_extent
    ax.imshow(values, origin='lower', extent=(z1.real, z2.real, z1.imag, z2.imag),
    return fig, ax

The main approach with Python will be: use Numba to make this fast. Then there are two ways to parallelize: let Numba parallelize the function, or do a manual domain decomposition and use one of many ways in Python to run things multi-threaded. There is a third way: create a vectorized function and parallelize using dask.array. This last option is almost always slower than @njit(parallel=True) or domain decomposition.


When we port the core Mandelbrot function to Numba, we need to keep some best practices in mind:

  • Don’t pass composite objects other than Numpy arrays.
  • Avoid acquiring memory inside a Numba function; create an array in Python, then pass it to the Numba function.
  • Write a Pythonic wrapper around the Numba function for easy use.


from typing import Any, Optional
import numba  # type:ignore
import numpy as np

from .bounding_box import BoundingBox

def compute_mandelbrot_numba(
        result, width: int, height: int, center: complex,
        scale: complex, max_iter: int):
    for j in range(height):
        for i in range(width):
            c = center + (i - width // 2 + (j - height // 2) * 1j) * scale
            z = 0.0+0.0j
            for k in range(max_iter):
                z = z**2 + c
                if (z*z.conjugate()).real >= 4.0:
            result[j, i] = k
    return result

def compute_mandelbrot(
        box: BoundingBox, max_iter: int,
        result: Optional[np.ndarray[np.int64]] = None,
        throttle: Any = None):
    result = result if result is not None \
            else np.zeros((box.height, box.width), np.int64)
    return compute_mandelbrot_numba(
        result, box.width, box.height, box.center, box.scale,

Numba parallel=True

We can parallelize loops directly with Numba. Pass the flag parallel=True and use prange to create the loop. Here it is even more important to obtain the result array outside the context of Numba, or the result will be slower than the serial version.


from typing import Optional
import numba  # type:ignore
from numba import prange  # type:ignore
import numpy as np

from .bounding_box import BoundingBox

@numba.njit(nogil=True, parallel=True)
def compute_mandelbrot_numba(
        result, width: int, height: int, center: complex, scale: complex,
        max_iter: int):
    for j in prange(height):
        for i in prange(width):
            c = center + (i - width // 2 + (j - height // 2) * 1j) * scale
            z = 0.0+0.0j
            for k in range(max_iter):
                z = z**2 + c
                if (z*z.conjugate()).real >= 4.0:
            result[j, i] = k
    return result

def compute_mandelbrot(box: BoundingBox, max_iter: int,
                       throttle: Optional[int] = None):
    if throttle is not None:
    result = np.zeros((box.height, box.width), np.int64)
    return compute_mandelbrot_numba(
        result, box.width, box.height, box.center, box.scale,

We split the computation into a set of sub-domains. The BoundingBox.split() method is designed such that if we deep-map the resulting list-of-lists, we can recombine the results using numpy.block().


def split(self, n):
    """Split the domain in nxn subdomains, and return a grid of BoundingBoxes."""
    w = self.width // n
    h = self.height // n
    e = self.scale * w + self.scale * h * 1j
    x0 = self.center - e * (n / 2 - 0.5)
    return [[BoundingBox(w, h, x0 + i * e.real + j * e.imag * 1j, e)
             for i in range(n)]
            for j in range(n)]

To perform the computation in parallel, lets go ahead and chose the most difficult path: asyncio. There are other ways to do this, setting up a number of threads, or use Dask. However, asyncio is available to us in Python natively. In the end, the result is very similar to what we would get using dask.delayed.

This may seem as a lot of code, but remember: we only used Numba to compile the core part and then used Asyncio to parallelize. The progress bar is a bit of flutter and the semaphore is only there to throttle the computation to fewer cores. Even then, this solution is by far the most extensive, but also the fastest.


from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
import asyncio
from psutil import cpu_count  # type:ignore
from contextlib import nullcontext

from .bounding_box import BoundingBox
from .numba_serial import compute_mandelbrot as mandelbrot_serial

async def a_compute_mandelbrot(
        box: BoundingBox,
        max_iter: int,
        semaphore: Optional[asyncio.Semaphore]):
    async with semaphore or nullcontext():
        result = np.zeros((box.height, box.width), np.int64)
        await asyncio.to_thread(
                mandelbrot_serial, box, max_iter, result=result)
    return result

async def a_domain_split(box: BoundingBox, max_iter: int,
                         sem: Optional[asyncio.Semaphore]):
    n_cpus = cpu_count(logical=True)
    split = box.split(n_cpus)
    split_result = await asyncio.gather(
            *(a_compute_mandelbrot(b, max_iter, sem)
              for b in row))
          for row in split))
    return np.block(split_result)

def compute_mandelbrot(box: BoundingBox, max_iter: int,
                       throttle: Optional[int] = None):
    sem = asyncio.Semaphore(throttle) if throttle is not None else None
    return asyncio.run(a_domain_split(box, max_iter, sem))

Another solution is to use Numba’s @guvectorize decorator. The speed-up (on my machine) is not as dramatic as with the domain-decomposition though.


def grid(self):
    """Return the complex values on the grid in a 2d array."""
    x0 = self.center - self.extent / 2
    x1 = self.center + self.extent / 2
    g = np.mgrid[x0.imag:x1.imag:self.height*1j,
    return g[1] + g[0]*1j

def da_grid(self):
    """Return the complex values on the grid in a 2d array."""
    x0 = self.center - self.extent / 2
    x1 = self.center + self.extent / 2
    x = np.linspace(x0.real, x1.real, self.width, endpoint=False)
    y = np.linspace(x0.imag, x1.imag, self.height, endpoint=False)
    g = da.meshgrid(x, y)
    return g[1] + g[0]*1j


from typing import Any
from numba import guvectorize, int64, complex128  # type:ignore
import numpy as np

from .bounding_box import BoundingBox

@guvectorize([(complex128[:, :], int64, int64[:, :])],
def compute_mandelbrot_numba(inp, max_iter: int, result):
    for j in range(inp.shape[0]):
        for i in range(inp.shape[1]):
            c = inp[j, i]
            z = 0.0+0.0j
            for k in range(max_iter):
                z = z**2 + c
                if (z*z.conjugate()).real >= 4.0:
            result[j, i] = k

def compute_mandelbrot(box: BoundingBox, max_iter: int, throttle: Any = None):
    result = np.zeros((box.height, box.width), np.int64)
    c = box.grid()
    compute_mandelbrot_numba(c, max_iter, result)
    return result
performance curves


from typing import Optional
import timeit
from . import numba_serial, numba_parallel, vectorized, domain_splitting
from .bounding_box import BoundingBox, test_case

compile_box = BoundingBox(16, 16, 0.0+0.0j, 1.0+1.0j)
timing_box = test_case

def compile_run(m):
    m.compute_mandelbrot(compile_box, 1)

def timing_run(m, throttle: Optional[int] = None):
    m.compute_mandelbrot(timing_box, 1024, throttle=throttle)

modules = ["numba_serial:1", "vectorized:1"] \
        + [f"domain_splitting:{n}" for n in range(1, 9)] \
        + [f"numba_parallel:{n}" for n in range(1, 9)]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("timings.txt", "w") as out:
        headings = ["name", "n", "min", "mean", "max"]
        print(f"{headings[0]:<20}" \
              f"{headings[1]:>10}" \
              f"{headings[2]:>10}" \
              f"{headings[3]:>10}" \
        for mn in modules:
            m, n = mn.split(":")
            n_cpus = int(n)
            setup = f"from mandelbrot.bench_all import timing_run, compile_run\n" \
                    f"from mandelbrot import {m}\n" \
            times = timeit.repeat(
                stmt=f"timing_run({m}, {n_cpus})",
            print(f"{m:20}" \
                  f"{n_cpus:>10}" \
                  f"{min(times):10.5g}" \
                  f"{sum(times)/len(times):10.5g}" \

    import pandas as pd
    from plotnine import ggplot, geom_point, geom_ribbon, geom_line, aes
    timings = pd.read_table("timings.txt", delimiter=" +", engine="python")
    plot = ggplot(timings, aes(x="n", y="mean", ymin="min", ymax="max",
                               color="name", fill="name")) \
        + geom_ribbon(alpha=0.3, color="none") \
        + geom_point() + geom_line()

Extra: Julia sets

For each value \[c\] we can compute the Julia set, namely the set of starting values \[z_1\] for which the iteration over \[z_{n+1}=z_n^2 + c\] converges. Every location on the Mandelbrot image corresponds to its own unique Julia set.


max_iter = 256
center = 0.0+0.0j
extent = 4.0+3.0j
scale = max((extent / width).real, (extent / height).imag)

result = np.zeros((height, width), int)
c = -1.1193+0.2718j

for j in range(height):
    for i in range(width):
        z = center + (i - width // 2 + (j - height // 2)*1j) * scale
        for k in range(max_iter):
            z = z**2 + c
            if (z * z.conjugate()).real > 4.0:
        result[j, i] = k

If we take the center of the last image, we get the following rendering of the Julia set:

colorful rendering of a Julia set
Example of a Julia set


Can you generalize your Mandelbrot code, such that you can compute both the Mandelbrot and the Julia sets in an efficient manner, while reusing as much of the code?

Key Points

  • Actually making code faster is not always straight forward
  • Easy one-liners can get you 80% of the way
  • Writing clean, modular code often makes it easier to parallelise later on