Threads and processes

Last updated on 2023-01-06 | Edit this page



  • What is the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)?
  • How do I use multiple threads in Python?


  • Understand the GIL.
  • Understand the difference between the python threading and multiprocessing library


Another possibility for parallelization is to use the threading module. This module is built into Python. In this section, we’ll use it to estimate pi once again.

Using threading to speed up your code:


from threading import (Thread)


n = 10**7
t1 = Thread(target=calc_pi, args=(n,))
t2 = Thread(target=calc_pi, args=(n,))



Discussion: where’s the speed-up?

While mileage may vary, parallelizing calc_pi, calc_pi_numpy and calc_pi_numba this way will not give the expected speed-up. calc_pi_numba should give some speed-up, but nowhere near the ideal scaling over the number of cores. This is because Python only allows one thread to access the interperter at any given time, a feature also known as the Global Interpreter Lock.

A few words about the Global Interpreter Lock

The Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) is an infamous feature of the Python interpreter. It both guarantees inner thread sanity, making programming in Python safer, and prevents us from using multiple cores from a single Python instance. When we want to perform parallel computations, this becomes an obvious problem. There are roughly two classes of solutions to circumvent/lift the GIL:

  • Run multiple Python instances: multiprocessing
  • Have important code outside Python: OS operations, C++ extensions, cython, numba

The downside of running multiple Python instances is that we need to share program state between different processes. To this end, you need to serialize objects. Serialization entails converting a Python object into a stream of bytes, that can then be sent to the other process, or e.g. stored to disk. This is typically done using pickle, json, or similar, and creates a large overhead. The alternative is to bring parts of our code outside Python. Numpy has many routines that are largely situated outside of the GIL. The only way to know for sure is trying out and profiling your application.

To write your own routines that do not live under the GIL there are several options: fortunately numba makes this very easy.

We can force the GIL off in Numba code by setting nogil=True in the numba.jit decorator.


@numba.jit(nopython=True, nogil=True)
def calc_pi_nogil(N):
    M = 0
    for i in range(N):
        x = random.uniform(-1, 1)
        y = random.uniform(-1, 1)
        if x**2 + y**2 < 1:
            M += 1
    return 4 * M / N

The nopython argument forces Numba to compile the code without referencing any Python objects, while the nogil argument enables lifting the GIL during the execution of the function.

Use nopython=True or @numba.njit

It’s generally a good idea to use nopython=True with @numba.jit to make sure the entire function is running without referencing Python objects, because that will dramatically slow down most Numba code. There’s even a decorator that has nopython=True by default: @numba.njit

Now we can run the benchmark again, using calc_pi_nogil instead of calc_pi.

Exercise: try threading on a Numpy function

Many Numpy functions unlock the GIL. Try to sort two randomly generated arrays using numpy.sort in parallel.


rnd1 = np.random.random(high)
rnd2 = np.random.random(high)
%timeit -n 10 -r 10 np.sort(rnd1)


%%timeit -n 10 -r 10
t1 = Thread(target=np.sort, args=(rnd1, ))
t2 = Thread(target=np.sort, args=(rnd2, ))




Python also allows for using multiple processes for parallelisation via the multiprocessing module. It implements an API that is superficially similar to threading:


from multiprocessing import Process

def calc_pi(N):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = 10**7
    p1 = Process(target=calc_pi, args=(n,))
    p2 = Process(target=calc_pi, args=(n,))



However under the hood processes are very different from threads. A new process is created by creating a fresh “copy” of the python interpreter, that includes all the resources associated to the parent. There are three different ways of doing this (spawn, fork, and forkserver), which depends on the platform. We will use spawn as it is available on all platforms, you can read more about the others in the Python documentation. As creating a process is resource intensive, multiprocessing is beneficial under limited circumstances - namely, when the resource utilisation (or runtime) of a function is measureably larger than the overhead of creating a new process.

Protect process creation with an if-block

A module should be safely importable. Any code that creates processes, pools, or managers should be protected with:


if __name__ == "__main__":

The non-intrusive and safe way of starting a new process is acquire a context, and working within the context. This ensures your application does not interfere with any other processes that might be in use.


import multiprocessing as mp

def calc_pi(N):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # mp.set_start_method("spawn")  # if not using a context
    ctx = mp.get_context("spawn")

Passing objects and sharing state

We can pass objects between processes by using Queues and Pipes. Multiprocessing queues behave similarly to regular queues: - FIFO: first in, first out - queue_instance.put(<obj>) to add - queue_instance.get() to retrieve

Exercise: reimplement calc_pi to use a queue to return the result


import multiprocessing as mp
import random

def calc_pi(N, que):
    M = 0
    for i in range(N):
        # Simulate impact coordinates
        x = random.uniform(-1, 1)
        y = random.uniform(-1, 1)

        # True if impact happens inside the circle
        if x**2 + y**2 < 1.0:
            M += 1
    que.put((4 * M / N, N))  # result, iterations

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ctx = mp.get_context("spawn")
    que = ctx.Queue()
    n = 10**7
    p1 = ctx.Process(target=calc_pi, args=(n, que))
    p2 = ctx.Process(target=calc_pi, args=(n, que))

    for i in range(2):


Sharing state

It is also possible to share state between processes. The simpler of the several ways is to use shared memory via Value or Array. You can access the underlying value using the .value property. Note, in case you want to do an operation that is not atomic (cannot be done in one step, e.g. using the += operator), you should explicitly acquire a lock before performing the operation:


with var.get_lock():
    var.value += 1

Since Python 3.8, you can also create a numpy array backed by a shared memory buffer (multiprocessing.shared_memory.SharedMemory), which can then be accessed from separate processes by name (including separate interactive shells!).

Process pool

The Pool API provides a pool of worker processes that can execute tasks. Methods of the pool object offer various convenient ways to implement data parallelism in your program. The most convenient way to create a pool object is with a context manager, either using the toplevel function multiprocessing.Pool, or by calling the .Pool() method on the context. With the pool object, tasks can be submitted by calling methods like .apply(), .map(), .starmap(), or their .*_async() versions.

Exercise: adapt the original exercise to submit tasks to a pool

  • Use the original calc_pi function (without the queue)
  • Submit batches of different sample size (different values of N).
  • As mentioned earlier, creating a new process has overhead. Try a wide range of sample sizes and check if runtime scaling supports that claim.


from itertools import repeat
import multiprocessing as mp
import random
from timeit import timeit

def calc_pi(N):
    M = 0
    for i in range(N):
        # Simulate impact coordinates
        x = random.uniform(-1, 1)
        y = random.uniform(-1, 1)

        # True if impact happens inside the circle
        if x**2 + y**2 < 1.0:
            M += 1
    return (4 * M / N, N)  # result, iterations

def submit(ctx, N):
    with ctx.Pool() as pool:
        pool.starmap(calc_pi, repeat((N,), 4))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ctx = mp.get_context("spawn")
    for i in (1_000, 100_000, 10_000_000):
        res = timeit(lambda: submit(ctx, i), number=5)
        print(i, res)

Key Points

  • If we want the most efficient parallelism on a single machine, we need to circumvent the GIL.
  • If your code releases the GIL, threading will be more efficient than multiprocessing.
  • If your code does not release the GIL, some of your code is still in Python, and you’re wasting precious compute time!