Instructor Notes

Testing this lesson

A lot of the code in this lesson can be tested using Entangled. You may tangle source files by running

entangled tangle -a

A set of source files will appear in <project-root>/src, including a Poetry environment for running the tests and benchmarks. You may also run entangled daemon if you want to debug the code, changes made to the files in src will then be merged back into the lesson material automatically.


name = "parallel-python"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Testing environment for Parallel Python workshop"
authors = ["Johan Hidding <>"]
license = "Apache-2.0"

python = ">=3.9, <3.11"
numba = "^0.56.4"
dask = {extras = ["complete"], version = "^2022.12.1"}
richbench = "^1.0.3"
matplotlib = "^3.6.2"
numba-progress = "^0.0.4"
pandas = "^1.5.2"
plotnine = "^0.10.1"


requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"



.PHONY: bench

bench: mandelbrot-timings.svg

> poetry run python -m mandelbrot.bench_all